The extremely awesome
K.V.Taylor had this on her blog and wanted other authors to come out and play. Since she was kind enough to endure not one but TWO early drafts of Towards the Fates, I owe her big. So, here goes...
1. Tell us about your favorite writing project/universe that you’ve worked with and why.
I love the whole Renaissance Faire world (obviously!) because it challenges me to look more closely at things I've come to take for granted over the years. Every time I'm at Festival I notice another tiny detail and think, "Oh, crap, why didn't I put that in somewhere??"
2. How many characters do you have? Do you prefer males or females?
I'm scared to count. Not all of them live in my head (thank goodness!) but enough do that it's getting crowded up there...
I used to think I liked writing girls best - but I've been doing some stuff from Tanek's point of view lately and enjoying it quite a bit, so now I think I'm about equal. I just have more experience with girls.
3. How do you come up with names for characters (and for places if you’re writing about fictional places)?
Most of them show up and announce themselves. For the rare times they don't, I have about ten baby name books to leaf through until something sounds right. (I got my first book when I was still in junior high. My mother forbade me from taking it with us to public places, which I didn't understand until many years later.)