Title: It's All MacArthur's Fault
revolutionjack Rating: M
Warning/s: Graphic sex, genderbend
Genre: Uhh. PWP?
Author's Notes: For
arachnes_web who won my
help_nz auction! I hope you like it~
General Douglas MacArthur was commander of the United States force in the Philippines during World War II, after being forced to evacuate, MacArthur escaped to Australia, where he took command of American forces in the entire Southwest Pacific. Also, special thanks to
hollyrose_hime for superhero-like betaing.
Summary: In response to the prompt of: Fem!America's outfit was based on WWII pin ups, I want to see teen!Australia distracted by this during the war.
Follow the fake cut! )
First time posting here, please let me know if I'm posting it wrong.