Title: A Fireworks Fiasco
iamelegentmessPrompt: 33. Australia/America - New Years Fireworks
Characters/Pairings: Australia/America - off hand mentions of China and Wy
Ratings/Warnings: PG - for smoochy smooches
Word Count: 1874
Summary: Australia's plans to take America to Sydney Harbour fall through, but sitting on the couch watching the fireworks on the telly ain't so bad when you're sitting next to Australia.
kupodesu for beta-ing, giving advice and generally putting up with me 8) This was the third attempt at this fic so... I hope it pleases!
It was about now that America realised he was day dreaming while staring at Australia's face. It wouldn't have been so awkward if Australia wasn't staring right back. )
Fake cut to my fic comm