It's a nice feeling to see how my dolls are getting completed <3 Here's Halla posing with her new
ED eyes. They're 14mm, I like having smaller eye sizes for my dolls. It's funny with those urethanes, now I get the feeling that she is actually looking right back at me. Maybe it's the depth effect?
She's surely a pretty little thing! She should also get a pastel blue wig if Leeke didn't sit on my wig order. It's been over 60 days, and they stopped answering my messages too :< I wonder what's going on?
And this is Senka, my Bygg, looking bit more like a doll and less like a floating head. He should be getting a grey body from Dikadoll, custom eyes from ED (icy green with silver pupils!), a faceup and clothes, of course...a project doll he sure is. Luckily Bygg is a cute sculpt! I have a feeling that when he is ready, he will be the cutest Bygg ever. For me, at least :P