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We had our Halloween meetup yesterday; I didn’t bring a camera along this time but luckily jesmo allowed me to show this one. It’s her Nene with the bear hat I made and Enne comforting her cottonheaded twin sister.
“Derp, were you scared? It was just me! No worries OwO”
Actually I wanted just to show that I did make my dolls Halloween costumes ;D Enne was a little ghost, looking quite much like Oogie Boogie from Nightmare before Christmas, and Uncle K…well, he had the same costume as he did in the previous Halloween party, I just pimped it up a little bit >_>; At least they got costumes! It was a fun party, thank you for the company even though I wasn’t extremely social, so tired from the move and all the stress :/
Today we visited Helsinki Craft Fair and no, I didn’t survive without buying stuff. I got me some ribbons and pompom trim, mohair yarn, black beads for my animal hats and licorice
There were so much to look at, I definitely have to visit the next year as well!
Oh, and Mirkku got a new spiffy faceup, trust my little Jonna for making my characters looking like themselves <3 We RPG together a lot so she knows my characters inside and outside and I can just toss a head in her direction and tell her to "hey, make this Mirkku!" - and she does. I'll go and pick Mirkku the next week, so I think there might be at least pictures coming >:3