Schlingen Blängen
sonority, dissonance, timbre, quake, mouse whisper, manipulation of air, david writing, linda smiling, diana attending open eared, thomas and dani middling, lawrence and family familying...
the lights were muted, not so many people there really, i suppose it was a big church, i walked in and told lawrence and linda, "the biggest church organ in the world my ass" and they said "turn around" back of the church was covered in enormous pipes and whatnot...the upper sides too....!
in the vestibule as the women were bathrooming i saw charlemagne palestine through a door. i approached and he signed a book i have and i told him i brought him a stuffed animal and his voice raised (as it often does in such a cute way) and he said oh thaaank you, i told him i would give it to him soon as it was now in the restroom....
it was so easy to talk to him, i suppose it suprises folks when their heroes or people they admire are so very easily accessible... what adds to this is the fact that one never hears of him playing in the us, let alone in could probably prove me wrong but from what i understand he plays in new york every great so and so...and yes he grew up in new york and surrounded himself with the knowledge and/or friendshipe with the avante garde, abstract expressionists, minimalists and many other ists.....i think it was the middle to late seventies that he travelled extensively in and settled in europe. or i could be full of shit.
my friend linda seemed as thrilled as a little girl in a store full of hello kitty and chocolate
he kept saying "LEEEEEEEEENDAAAA" as he was signing her book
i, also, was thrilled, this picture taken by diana, my sweetheart (of which i took no pictures of that night and i am not sure why...)
i talked to him when i could, asking him mostly about his stuffed told me was named lausanne...given to him by a hotel maid in switzerland...and another, the oldest he had there..a rugged looking off yellow bear which he said he was returning after about 30 years to a gal in new york....
lausanne is blue, on the left side of the pic, the bear is in the middle and penguin fairbrook that i brought for the penguin standing on the head of the bear...
with me were thomas and dani, otherwise known as the group "celer".....but i call it "sailor"...very pretty, moving music... check their shit: some of the animals he had were on his album covers, this is one
look like it may be from the album "jamaica heineken in brooklyn"
the fellow outside of the suitcase with the dotted tie was from the cover of "music for big ears, but turned the other way....
this is charlemagne palestine saying goodbye
and the music in between was most wonderful, rising by increments, falling by tactics, enveloping, comforting, frightening.......crescendo? maybe.....
such is thus and this is life...