Eomer, Eowyn, and Faramir are three of my top five favorite LOTR characters, the other two being Aragorn and Legolas. But I decided to focus this picspam on those characters who didn't appear until The Two Towers. Why? Just because, that's why (plus I already had a ton of pics of them on my hard drive, and very few of Aragorn and Legolas).
"Now is the hour, Riders of Rohan. Oaths you have taken. Now fulfill them all, to Lord and Land!"
"The women of this country learned long ago, that those without swords can still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain."
"I would not use the Ring. Not if Minas Tirith were falling in ruin and I alone could save her."
So that's it! Do you have a favorite character from the books/movies?