*cracks knuckles* Let's dissect this bitch.
Aww, the Doctor called Donna his best friend!
I really can't stand the Doctor's hypocrisy. "No, I'll never use a gun." "Hey, Doctor, the Time Lords are coming back!" "Gimme that gun!" YOINK!
I fully expected that when Wilf blew up the first missile, he'd say "I got him! I got him!" and the Doctor to reply, "Great, kid. Don't get cocky." Because those laser pods were right out of Star Wars.
You know, I liked how the Doctor and Master ended. They have such a fucked up relationship, like a bromance with the emotions turned up to 11. But in the end, I enjoyed. "Get out of the way." Very nicely done (after the fucking eternity of the Doctor flip flopping and cocking the gun each time).
Once again, RTD has a maniacal laugh over the fact that he introduced an important plot point and then left it to hang out, e.g. the woman only Wilf could see who turned out to be a dissenting Time Lord... Lady... Person. Either the Doctor's Mummy or Romana. And I dunno, I just feel like the way RTD was wrapping up all his storylines with a neat bow, this was like a Nelson from The Simpsons laugh ("HA-HA!") at Steven Moffat like "Now you deal with it!" RUDE.
I quite liked that it was Wilf who knocked four times. Nice twist. But Jesus, Wilf felt bad enough as it was, the Doctor didn't have to be a little bitch and make him feel worse there before he played the hero. And nice that you waxed poetic and chewed the scenery until the last possible second before you let Wilf out and the radiation poured in. What if you'd tripped over your shoelace, dipshit?
And now we come to the "Happy Endings All Around Courtesy of the Doctor" clusterfuck.
First off: NO. NO FUCKING WAY DID MARTHA MARRY MICKEY. JUST NO. THIS WILL NEVER BE MY CANON, OKAY? DR. MARTHA FUCKING JONES DID NOT END UP WITH ROSE'S LEFTOVERS AGAIN. NO. FUCK NO. The Doctor ended up on another parallel world that just happened to have a Martha with unflattering braids and a Mickey with facial hair who work for U.N.I.T./Torchwood. This was not my Marfa. My Marfa married Tom Milligan and lived happily ever after.
The Doctor saves Luke from a car. If the little fuckwit was so stupid that he crosses the street without looking, he deserves to get splattered. Think about all the other people who get hit by cars that the Doctor doesn't give two shits about because their moms never rode in the TARDIS.
Ahh, the Star Wars cantina, where they play your favorite hits from the Doctor Who soundtrack 1930's Earth. It really was the cantina though. Just a way to showcase every alien that's ever appeared on the new series. The drunk Adipose was cute though. But was that a drunk baby Adipose or do they look the same full grown? Those are some irresponsible Adipose parents if it's the former.
Anyways, I guess this is supposed to be after Children of Earth? I didn't see that, but Jack ran away, right? So he's drowning himself in booze and about to get lucky with Alonso. So... good for him? Gotta get your kicks somewhere once your life goes to shit, I guess.
Now we have Donna's wedding. *pouts* I still wanted her to find her stuttering 51st century hubby, but oh well. This guy's nice too. What the Doctor did was really nice, getting money from her dad to buy her a winning lotto ticket, but once again, I don't understand what he did to her. He wiped her mind so she wouldn't have her Time Lord brain, saying her brain would burn if she remembered. But he put in a defense mechanism specifically to protect her if the Doctor's enemies got her and she started to remember. So what? Was that it? Or will her mind actually burn and she'll die if she sees the Doctor? There's just too many layers to what he did to her for me to understand, I guess. But it fucking sucks that we didn't see the DoctorDonna teamed up together again.
Finally, after traipsing around to help all his companions while he just so happens to be dying, he saves Rose for last. Guys, I'm gonna say something not very nice here, so go ahead and scroll on down. Billie looked so weird. Like, her face was way off somehow. Partly the dark eyebrows/light hair combo again, but she's always had that so it was something else. You know what it was? The eyes. She didn't have a shit ton of mascara on. Maybe that's it. Also, maybe she was more tan. And her teeth just seem like they're getting bigger. How is that possible? Srsly, check it out:
Ahem hem. And man, her voice has gotten deeper. Just age and ciggies, I guess, but Rose had such a high voice that this didn't even seem like Rose at all.
Ok, done with the hate.
But it's funny how he helped everyone else, yet just came to stare at Rose creepily from the shadows. WEIRD STALKER.
Alrighty, the end. COULD. THEY. HAVE. DRAWN. IT. OUT. ANY. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE? I feel like the last 20 minutes were a fucking cock tease. I practically got blue balls and I don't even possess balls to get blue. At one point I went, "My GOD, fucking CHANGE already!"
And then he did. And I laughed b/c he managed to BLOW THE FUCKING TARDIS APART AND SET FIRE TO THE FUCKING PLACE. God forbid he redecorate b/c he just got tired of the theme, nope, he has to SET FIRE TO IT BY REGENERATING, EVEN THOUGH HE AND THE MASTER HAVE BOTH REGENERATED IN THERE BEFORE. Oh no, no, I'm sure it was the sooper speshul radiation that did that. Uh huh. And let him walk around all carefree for how long, asking a guy for a quid and pulling a kid out of traffic. Uh huh. Whatever you say. My belief's been suspended from the ceiling for quite some time now. *waves to it*
And then we get Eleven! Aww, he was truly precious! "I'm a girl! Oh, no I'm not! And I'm still not ginger!" HA! And yeeeeeessssss, it appears he's lost his memory! No more Rose crap! (Though I'm truly sad he's lost all the good memories and adventures, but I'm sure it'll only be temporary. I mean, he lost his memory before, right?)
Let's check our Bingo card, shall we?
Dammit Rusty, just a few more cliches and I would have had Bingo!
Umm, this is awesome; the trailer for season 5:
Click to view