(no subject)

Apr 20, 2008 22:52

So I was watching My Boy Jack on PBS, you know, the movie where Daniel Radcliffe sports a Hilter-stache? It was about Rudyard Kipling and his son Jack, who wanted to join the army during WWI but couldn't because he was nearsighted, until his famous dad pulled some strings for him. And I couldn't help but think...

"Boy, it's pretty weird to see Harry Potter get shot like, four times. Ouch. I think Avada Kedavra would be easier to sit through."

And Sally Sparrow was his sister, lol, random.

And I totally couldn't remember where I'd seen the actress playing his mother before, so I had to imdb.com it and it was frakking Kim Cattrell! Color me surprised. I didn't recognize her with the dark brown hair.

Anyways, there were sexy Irish accents I could barely understand, and a slice of life in the trenches. There should seriously be more WWI movies. I know it's a lot of sitting around in trenches for weeks on end, but those places were horredous and it'd make for a powerful film.

So yeah, I missed probably the first half of the film, but what I saw was good. I like period dramas. And these people were so dang British. All stiff upper lip and politeness when they should be bawling their eyes out.


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