Oct 22, 2003 01:19
there it goes again that tone. scared:. no, but i still jump. its getting late and im tired. problems that grow that worry you so..im sorry this all fell upon your broken heart like a shadow in within the dark. numbers to you is all i can offer to the worry inside your stomach but all i can even bother to say wont push that pain away. rhymes make me uncomfortable. there it is again the static in the speaker telling me your here again. :tone.your tired:.
then there is you
bold and beautiful.: could i say. i sit and watch the world crumble and show no sign of the urge to pacify. :tone:. excuse. a distant shatter to my heart for something that has never existed. though its not pain that i feel but opportunity for the future. lets the days crash into me with godspeed. :tone:.sorry. sun rises to blank pages of this book.. your book. and the solitaire falls from my fingertips