Oct 18, 2003 20:38
Where do you get your inspiration?
Blood boiling and flowing like ice through my veins.
Its infinitely-definite that my free will needs affirmation.
And it's hurting my ears.
Now I'm lost, utterly.
That's weird.
Do you completely understand or
are you choosing to believe?
That's raised relief.
Stop. Rewind.
I'm still lost. Indefinitely.
The idea is denial.
Must keep it in check.
Had enough yet?
Do you really know that you know or
know what you know
for the matter of knowing alone.
The mind is our greatest deceiver.
Now that's reality to the core.
Why must the evil genius prove skepticism
and create the tangled web?
Matching is unlikely.
Don't contradict, compel.
An outside driving force that destroys.
My subtle input is my motivation.
miss you justin shaw kirk
--Sonic (Renea Matheny)