Jan 18, 2017 17:06
I'm cranky today. I work in the healthcare industry, which means my co-workers tend to be awesome when it comes to understanding medical problems, and for the most part they've been wonderful and supportive and all that stuff.
There's one co-worker who was an exception today. She urged me to look up a doctor who, she says, has learned that diabetes can come from drinking too much milk.
I was immediately skeptical. The latest mainstream medical thinking is (as my medical team has told me) that diabetes is genetic. (I'm omitting gestational diabetes and diabetes as a result of other medical complications here, 'cos I don't have that.) But I looked the guy up. Then I started searching for the guy's name plus "controversy" and "criticism."
There's plenty of C&C to be found on this guy. First, he's a vegan and advocates a vegan diet to "cure diabetes." Nothing against vegans--my dietician is a vegan, but she's also a Texan and is cool with us eating meat, preferably more fish and poultry than beef or pork, and more veggies than meat, please.
Second, there is no "cure" for diabetes. You can manage it on diet plus lifestyle, but that's not a cure: that's a treatment plan. I'm surviving very well on diet, lifestyle, and medication right now. I don't rely on insulin any more. I am, in short, an awesome diabetic ... and the diet plan I'm following is the exact opposite of what this quack recommends.
I'm sticking with what my medical team recommends, because I see the results. I feel good, and my last fasting A1C was 5.1, thank you very effing much.