Apr 06, 2004 21:01
k, where to start. last few days i havent really gone anywhere bcuz the bikers r too cool to come get me when they go biking. but the time they do get me its fun. other times ive been at baseball and thats been alright. my coach is a total fag but o well. today we had a game and we were losing but we gradually scored runs and won. but before the game was over we ran outta time and the other teem sent in a run so they could end it and win. so thats fucked up bcuz we lose alot to that rule. and i hit the 'shoulda been' winning hit. bcuz i scored two runs. and yea. got home. had food. and then lakon came and took my baby away. actually its hers but i had it for a qwhile. o by the way im talkin about a guitar.hopefully i get mine soon. and i heard we got our report cards today so im gona go check the mail. wish me luck on them grades :P