My mun wants to know
who this body belongs to. I had assumed it was mine, but she assures me that it is far too sexy to be mine---which I feel is grossly unfair to me, but muns will be muns.
((Seriously, does anyone know? I made these icons a LONG while ago.))
EDIT: By careful research by which I mean "plugging the name into Google Images and drooling over them for a while", my mun has confirmed that I am indeed Christian Bale. Props to Miss Steph who *nervous cough* according to my mun *squirm* now gets shagged free of charge. And Miss Ravenna too. However, vain creature that I am, I like my current icons, and, unless I magically develop extra iconspace, the current set stays.
SECOND EDIT: *blush* In compensation for an earlier mixup which was NOT my fault, Miss Steph gets *cough* an extra shag.