"Perhaps the butler did it!"

May 15, 2008 18:08

Perhaps the butler did it.
Perhaps the butler did it.
He's the one who caused
this murderous affair.
It had to be the butler.
It must have been the butler.
Although I haven't seen a butler anywhere.

Welcome to my summer musical...The Butler Did It, Singing!  Think typical detective movie with the corniest comedy in the world and a few songs thrown in for kicks.  Yep!  That's my musical.

A wealthy lady who takes an interest in murder mysteries invites these famous murder authors to her mansion for the weekend.  There, she makes them impersonate their own fictional detectives to solve a staged murder mystery...until someone actually dies!

I will be playing Rita, the high-strung secretary to the wealthy lady.  (No clue what this part entails.  I'm picking up the script and libretto tomorrow.)

Every guest who's been invited
is suspicious as can be.
Well, I don't like to condemn
but it must be one of them
for I absolutely know it isn't me!

the butler did it singing, theatre, summer, mad* factory

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