"Y'know who's out there? A gang of marines."

Mar 21, 2008 02:33

So, today I'm watching the news and they had this special on military men home from Iraq, talking about their extensive brain damage, showing how long it is taking them to recover.  How they're fighting for medical benefits.  Some were told they'd never walk again and it's taken them two years to do so.  One of them is reading like a third grader.

Now that I know someone in the military who is very close to me, everything about the war in Iraq is really starting to hit home.  Not that it didn't in the first place, but now it's really close.  I know Eddie is stationed in California for the next two and a half years, but I was sitting there watching the news, trying hard not to imagine him coming back from Iraq in the same condition.

I just pray that he never sees combat.

It's been so much fun having Eddie to talk to this week.  I was spoiled Monday and Tuesday by him calling to wake me up.  We still try to talk once a day or so, or we text.  He's really busy and the time difference doesn't help.  But he has the weekends off, which is nice because we'll be able to catch up some more.  He's absolutely hilarious and has always been one of my very best friends.

ed thomas

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