"You're sweet, and sexy, and totally hot for me."

Jan 22, 2008 23:22

So, Heath Ledger has gone on ahead.  Terribly depressing...  :(  He was one of my favorite actors and I am really going to miss his films.  But he finished "The Dark Knight," so I have that to look forward to.

Hot men are not allowed to die.  I absolutely refuse to let go of Ewan, Liam, and Matt Damon.  And no to Sean Connery and Hugh Grant.

The best comments related to this at dinner...

Ashley and I -- "That is one less hot man in the world."
                           "Guess what, guys?  We're movin' up the ladder!" -- Ian

"Heath Ledger's death is a gay man's 9-11." -- Steve Tharp

heath ledger

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