Nov 01, 2006 12:58
So, happy as I am, I am slowly losing it. Way too much going on all at once.
For starters, class. (I think I just bombed another test. I have an essay due in a week, a presentation due two days later, and a project due by the end of the month.) Meetings (WSU, Allies, APsiO). Pledging (Alpha Phi Omega -- don't know where these service hours are going to come from, Ap Lil' Sis stuff starts next week). Holidays (I need to call work to see when I can come in for training...and I don't see that happening any weekend before I leave). Concert next Saturday with my solo (haven't practiced it). Talent Show on Friday (getting pretty nervous). T-shirt money collection (still haven't received all of it).
Above and beyond all of that, I almost overdrew my checking account last week. I'm really sick of putting money from one account into the other because I know that sometime soon I won't be able to. However, Christmas is coming soon and unless I move money, my friends can look forward to a hand drawn Christmas tree on a piece of construction paper.
Holidays are going to be hell. Two jobs, Christmas shopping, trying to spend time with friends and family and Mike.
Mike has his job interview today...please let it go well.
Also, the end of this semester is approaching quickly...I'm not ready for what that is going to bring.
I don't know. I'm starting to think that I'm losing it.
Well, this is my one hour of free time for a while, so I'm going to take advantage of it and probably pass out.
Messages of good wishes are appreciated, but not necessary.
~ Nikki
P.S. If you get a chance, go to my MySpace account and see my new slideshow. I smile thinking of it because that was chaos and it felt wonderful, too. I hope that this turns out the same way.
ap lil' sis,