Oct 13, 2012 00:24
It has been a long while since I have been able to write freely about anything. With the social networking, I only allow a little peek into my life, pictures of my baby mainly. I rarely delve deeper in to my life... of what life I have left. My whole life is Flynn, and please understand me that I do love that about my life. He teaches me things I thought were long forgotten, especially about unconditional love...TRUE love. There are other things he teaches me too like "hmm, maybe I shouldn't have left that phone on the arm of the couch because now he's calling china". Lesson learned. "Flynn, don't turn off the xbox please!!!" Well, maybe he was just tired of watching Super Why! I've learned that poo can mysteriously appear on your body where'd you'd least expect it (elbow) and no one will tell you that you have poo on your face or said elbow but instead laugh quietly to themselves as you curse them a lovely life with 1000 babies with colic.
I've learned that no matter how impatient I may think I am, I am a mere grasshoppah compared to my child.
Me: "eh.. I think I'm thirsty, I might get me something to drink... but oh wait, I have to throw a load of wash in the washing machine"
Flynn, do you want some milk?
Flynn: eeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! eh! eh! eh! eh!
Me: Ok! I'll be right back with your milk!
*meltdown ensues, tears, drooling, the WORKS!*
Here's your milk baby! Mama's sorry!
Beginning to see the lesson here? Prepare the freaking bottle BEFORE you ask him if he's ready for milk! duh!