So I feel really stupid for doing this, but I did it for
pyrrhiccomedy a year ago and had a lot of fun just filling one of them. And I'm going to have one hell of a plane ride to China in a few days and........ and yeah.
Like a kink meme and a request post put together, this is a reverse request meme. Take ten things you really want to see either fanart or fanfic of (don't be greedy, only ten or less!) and then see if anyone on your flist would fill them for you. Have them put their requests on their LJ and fill something for them!
Art or fic or drabble or doodle or ANYTHING is fine. Or interpretive dance, seriously.
1.) Australia takes his extended family--England? America? Canada? Wy? New Zealand? Scotland? IDK?--on an outback vacation. Just one thing; his extended family is and has never been much cut out for the outback. ...unless we're talking about the steakhouse restaurant chain.
2.) Turkey didn't make it to the World Cup this year, but guess who he was rooting for? Germany! Truefax. A lot of Turkish-blooded athletes are on Germany's team. So it's kind of like rooting for Turkey, right? Right. That just means Germany has to deal with Turkey attached to his hip for a few weeks in South Africa...
3.) AU; Malik (and his brother Kadar?) join Altaïr at the local park/firehall/Fudrukkers/Six Flags/WHATEVER for the extended family reunion. Only because Malik had fished the invitation out of the trash and forced Altaïr to introduce him to his family, of course.
4.) I know there's already been a House/Hetalia crossover but I..... want more :X and Hilson is just going to get you some major, major bonus points.
5.) While I'm at it... APH with AC? One or both of the Italies in Leonardo's workshop or out and about with Ezio. Or maybe Teutonic!Prussia vs. Altair. The Apple is what really made nation-tans!? Just throwing out ideas c:
6.) Germerica. That is all.
7.) Germany and France as the big bad parents of the EU. Between loaning Greece and Spain money, England's scoffs, Turkey's deathglares... They seem a lot like the over-worked parents of the modern day. Maybe they need to go unwind at a bar or cafe and gripe about their 'kids'. Could throw some historical stuff in there too; I keep meaning to expand Silence of the Sea but.............. I think you should help me /shot
8.) Denmark is the happiest nation in the world! Did you know that!? It's true, google it. They're also the least likely to start international incidents. OR SO YOU THOUGHT. Because while everyone was looking the other way, the vikings came BACK (or... at least one with an axe and too much hair gel) and they are going to BURN YOUR HUT DOWN, HOLY CRAP. England--thanks to dealing with this over and over and over and--and his Viking Senses start to tingle before anyone else knows what's going on.
And I'm going to stop there because Iiiiiii feel ridiculous asking for things because just the comments you guys leave are awesome, not to mention all of the people who did amazing art for Die Buchhandlung. ♥