Jun 05, 2004 16:05
oh dear..i feel like i live at mcdonalds..i had to work there 11-2 this morning.and then the other day one of the managers called me and asked if i could work another shift thats 5-9 for someone else..so i said yes..oh well..its money..and then i dont have to work tomorrow..CONCERT..woo..im soo excited..its gonna be amazing..i just got done adding more posters to my band collage wall..its awesome i have practically all of it filled..and i also cleaned my room..so now its all nice and fresh..a very good thing..and i changed my sheets on my bed..wo!..but yes..i have to go to work in less than an hour :(..ahh..oh well thats okay..but im so tired lol..i dont know..im gonna get going or something..adios