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Oct 02, 2004 21:42

i am at care cat's at this moment..she is behind me looking at lovely digital pictures that she took in and got developed this evening..we hung out at walmart for a bit so we could wait for them to get done..and then we ran into amy, zach and chris..and we looked at movies and cds and what not..and phones for zach..and then i started dancing..it was a good time..i bought a league of their own..great movie let me tell you..and carrie and i bought pop called barrilitos..its made in mexico..its rather exciting..and i also bought chocolate milk..but of course..and altoids that are like sour apple..i am listening to the postal service at the moment..and it makes me happy..carrie and i went to take pictures just for fun earlier at some pretty spots around town..and after we were at a certain area we were walking back to her car..when i stepped on something..and i somehow was like did i just step on a dea....I JUST STEPPED ON A DEAD ANIMAL..and i screamed SUPER loud and we ran to her car cause i was freaked out lmao..and then carrie was laughing at me really hard..cause yeah it was just a good time haha..good times good times as mrs. klumb would say..oh sometimes carrie and i wonder if people think we're dating..cause her mom asked her why she always hangs out with me and not everyone else just as much..and what not..so then we were overthinking things..and wondered if my mom thought we were dating or something..cause my mom tends to think things like that of many things..and so then we wondered if anyone else like of our friends ever talked about it or wondered..so i called a few people..and asked them..just for fun..and megan says she has joked about it before..and that scares me a titch..yes indeed it does..but she said she was just joking..and angie never even thought about it..but we just find it funny..good times..good times..but this is getting really long so i should go..and stuff..i have to work at 7 in the morning tomorrow..icky..blah..but yes..im gonna gooooo..goodnight.
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