Dec 15, 2006 13:45
I've been so happy since exams ended. I have a girlfriend who I love so much, and who returns the feelings. Having confidence in something that amazing is the best feeling I could ever imagine. I have friends who I love and some who I will be seeing for the first time in a long while tonight. I have a job where I love most of my coworkers and even when I get called on a day I'm not supposed to work I still end up laughing my ass off at least 5 times and enjoying myself. I feel so calm, and happy, it's a nice feeling. And full of all the different kinds of love.
Tonight is going to be amazing, I can't even express how excited I am to see everybody. Especially to see Megan and Lauren, I have not seen them in far far too long, walking in there and seeing their faces is going to make me feel like a million dollars. I'm such a simple man, those are the things that mean so much to me.
Well I better get some food in to the ol' stomach, it's starting to yell at me... much love to everybody reading this, it's going to be a fun break to say the least :)
christmas break