Alright, I've been immersed in FFXII for a long time now, and I kept saying it's the best one yet, which made me realize I had to do a ranking. I just gotta. Now that I own all but VII and III and have finished (or come damn close in one or two cases) them all except I and III, I think I can give a fair judgement. Note two things:
a) That even the bottom of this list still would rank above almost all other games, I honestly have yet to play one I did not like, love even. Yes, even X-2, that battle system was fun as balls. So chill out hombres.
b) I'm a ****ing nerd.
That said, I'd like other peoples opinions, but here's my order:
1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Final Fantasy VI
3. Final Fantasy V
4. Final Fantasy XII
5. Final Fantasy X
6. Final Fantasy IV
7. Final Fantasy VIII
8. Final Fantasy IX
9. Final Fantasy VII
10. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
11. Final Fantasy X-2
12. Final Fantasy II
NR: I, III, other spinoffs that I probably won't play.
Also, for anyone who is badass enough to know Suikoden I've finished all them so far, and my ranking would be:
1. Suikoden II
2. Suikoden V
3. Suikoden I/III
4. Suikoden Tactics
5. Suikoden IV
That's my nerdy update for the month, enjoy, I'm off to play more, haha.