Sep 23, 2005 15:07
Never partied as much as in the last few weeks... Don't know why, but to me it seems like everyone's bithday is in september or october. And this year it seems to be everyone's 18th birthday. >.< What do parents do between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day?
...Okay, I don't want to know, but anyway... Last week, a good friend of mine got heavily drunk. Or at least, he had been drinking 4 evenings in a row, so around eleven PM, he got seriously sick. Bad thing about it: His parents are really strict and he had to be back home at 1 o' clock. On top of that, he was only 15 then and he had come by bike. I really can't say, how idiotic this was. But anyway, "Owl", another good friend of mine, and I had promised to take him back home(as he is 2 or 3 years younger than most of us, he's our little Benjamin. We kinda feel like we have to take good care of him, especially as he's often very careless), but unfortunately, after 2 hours of emptying his stomach, he told us he couldn't ride his bike... We decided to walk and take the bikes with us while walking. It took us nearly 10 minutes to convince him to get up and start moving. After two steps he told us he couldn't walk at all. (Made me kinda mad... AND it was already 10 minutes to 1)
We called a cab to take him home and promised him to take his bike with us. When the cab arrived, we decided that someone had to go with him and his plastic bag(<---just in case...). As I had already promised to lend the money for the ride, I went into this cab as well. Another friend who lives nearby the "location" told me she'd take my bike with her and Owl wanted to take the boys' bike back home, living more or less near him(well, not really ^^;).
When I had finally brought him home(he was nearly frightened to death, thinking of his parents), I had to promise him faithfully, that I'd take care of his bike to be home the next morning when his parents got up. Knowing that someone else would do the work, this was easy.
And then he gave me his bike's keys.
Sure, I had to lock it up. Somewhen before the next morning. So I called my friends at the party, asking for Owl. No one knew where she was, but the friend who wnted to take my bike told me that Owl might possibly put it in front of her house, for the way home was really far. And just in case she wouldn't make it home with two bikes, a hurt leg and no gloves.
I walked home, ready to take my sisters bike and ride back the way to the party, approaching Owl, so that she wouldn't have to walk all the way on her own. But my sister's bike wasn't at home. AND my mother woke up. Luckily she insisted on driving me to the friends home, where I could check if the boys bike was there or not.
When I reached the house, I met the friend and my bike. I took it, happy to have it back, and rode the way back, hoping to find Owl on her way back. She did not even know the boy's house number ^^;
No Owl.
Rode to her house, hoping that she'd be there or that she had taken the bike to her house. But only her bike. And a little bit of light in her room. So I looked for a little stone to throw up at her window. I found a nut.
When she came to the door - already ready for bed. She told me it had taken her one hour to come home. And that her hurt leg looked like ... Well, she showed me - It was swollen like a balloon.
And the bike was at the boy's house. She had simply checked every doorplate on the street. (Owl is a baka)
All the way for nothing. I rode off to lock his bike.
Had not much sleep that night XD But the story of our heroic deeds was quite a topic the next monday. And the poor boy's grounded for 4 weeks now. His father really didn't like his son being drunk. I pity him.
And tomorrow, there's the next Party. I don't know if I really want to go there ^^;;