Dec 11, 2003 22:48
"I'm sad, I cut myself, I complain, I'm a dog that should be beaten. I need, I wont take, I act as if I'm below you. I'm artistic, I'm full of myself, I chase dreams, I read, I'm full of shit. I'm a pedestrian, I'm dissatisfied, I'm artistic, I'm not unique, I cry in my room until I realize no one cares, I bark suicide for attention and then I wait and receive silence. I'm 17, I'm pretty, I wear misshapen smiles, I scar, I cry, I wear black, I'm realistic, pessimistic, atheistic, the epitome of bull shit that should have a bullet placed between the eyes of but I'm beautiful like a snowflake so I'll still get my point across."
"I'm typical, copied, tiresome, annoying, self indulged in a self that I saw in some cod, I write "poetry" or refurbished shit from some modern gothic douche bag that no one gives a fuck what his shit is about but I'll copy this asinine garbage cause all I am is a fucking copy anyways so who gives a shit, right? I'm pretty, but I'm serious, I'm smart but no one pays attention to the smart girls so I'll struggle in the smart classes and blame it on my family life that is very good but no one knows that and I'm not against lying for attention."
"Now will you love me?"
"I learn, turn, swallow, accept tricks for the man that tells me he loves in order to "break" my inner worth that I hold in a box on his shelf. I am the ejaculation in form from the bowels of the ass of some person I read in this stereotypical book about sad. But who are you?"
I'm am Russell.
"And what are you."
I'm all that you thought you were.
"Do you want to love me before I threaten suicide?"
No, I want to assist you.