As some of you may know, i went to see Dane Cook on the 16th at Kent State (for those who don't know, Dane Cook is my FAVORITE FAVORITE FAVORITE comedian).
So I met up with Liz and Lydia and Emily at Central after their track meet. Then we were off. While at Taco Bell there was a car in front of it is:
pretty sweet eh? So then we got on the road and had fun times in the car singing nsync and what not. Liz strangled me....
......and Lydia stuck her head out of the sunroof...
...what a delight...see that overpass in the background? ha!
so we finally got to the show...and we were super excited. Two comedians were up before Dane: the first one kinda sucked but the second one was hilarious. Then came Dane:
i was closer than this looks....
He did some new stuff and some old stuff...all in all it was hilarious hilarious fun. and then it was over. the guy comes out and says "Who here wants to meet Dane Cook?" and then said that we could form a line outside and they weren't leaving til they met that's what we did...
i ended up meeting Dane Cook around 12:30 or 1am. I bowed down to him and he told me that i didn't have to do that and he game me a big hug and went on to say that i rock....he was genuinely nice which was not what i was expecting....
kinda blurry....but that's me and Dane...
...the end...
P.S. F*** SHOES!