life and times of a gay man

May 31, 2005 23:47

ChloroformScream: Hi ... i'm here with Tyler Greatness Rabold... i just wondered tyler for the record is Aaron gay?
Greensuds4: yes he is
ChloroformScream: Has he ever.... ask you to be gay with him?
Greensuds4: everyday before gym class in 11th grade it was disturbing
ChloroformScream: And what did he ask?
Greensuds4: he asked can i suck you dick
Greensuds4: and he asked mr mckee too it was weird
ChloroformScream: Oh my ...
ChloroformScream: Dear have you ever seen aaron make it with a dog?
Greensuds4: no but i have heard stories about it
ChloroformScream: What kind of stories may i ask?
Greensuds4: stories about him and pat chasing stray dogs and raping them
ChloroformScream: ... but tyler does any moment stick out about aaron?
Greensuds4: when i say him make out with travis clapper
Greensuds4: saw*
ChloroformScream: what was your frist reaction
Greensuds4: i just thought to myself "i knew it"
ChloroformScream: Have you ever sat down and had a heart to heart with him?
Greensuds4: nope
Greensuds4: hes gay
ChloroformScream: And for the record if you ever saw him again what would you say
Greensuds4: hey fag
ChloroformScream: thank for you time tyler... and i hope aaron will not try to molest you
Greensuds4: youre welcome

After spending some time on this story i went to the people who really counted not just 11th grade kids his Aarons gym class

i went for the hard hitting facts with aarons band memebers

ChloroformScream: I'm doing interveiws with people who know aaron and i was wondering for my frist question is he gay?
bambis bullet: yes
ChloroformScream: Being in a band with aaron... does this affect your everyday life?
bambis bullet: yes
ChloroformScream: whats you gayest memory of aaron
bambis bullet: gongarde' or el douche'
ChloroformScream: were these times where aaron would get really drunk and fuck a goat?
bambis bullet: yes and one time i small boy name philip

Scott then started to cry and i couldn't go on This Journalist is not out for blood just the cold hard facts

the next person i had talk to is a friend of aarons Who will not be named

ChloroformScream: Brandon Disworth... i come to you with some questions regarding Aaron's homosexually
ChloroformScream: How long have you known aaron has been "gay"
Projenc: a few years
ChloroformScream: could you tell us about what happened on that dark and rainy night ?
Projenc: well, i know aaron just got done fucking Frank setter
ChloroformScream: Let's not talk about the "butt party" but yet.... ::Sigh:: the dead hamster?
Projenc: oh, the dead hamster jesus
Projenc: he had......he with it....
ChloroformScream: .... and frank setter then did what with this hamster
Projenc: he then gave oral sex to the hamster after aaron was done
ChloroformScream: Now i'm not making this a witchhunt but... did aaron buy this hamster to perform this sick task?
Projenc: I heard he purchased this new hamster at super pets a few days before this party and this sicken act happened.
ChloroformScream: Dear God... he Planed this vile act :::shakes head:::

I decide to call my contact John Edwards for a Beyond the grave look into this Sick mans life

ChloroformScream: Ed Pinto may i ask you some ?s about a good friend Aaron
ed pint0: Well... wayne... i didn't die how everyone thought i did... Aaron shoved his small peter in my mouth until i choked
ChloroformScream: Okay ed where did he touch you?
ed pint0: :::points to butt hole:::
ChloroformScream: EVEN WHEN YOU WERE DEAD?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!
ed pint0: :::Cries::: 2 times a week!

As i try to dig deeper into this story if anyone has any valuable info Please post it...
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