Apr 26, 2004 18:01
rich did a "things i hate/like" list on his journal. i'm posing.
i hate the pavillion heads at ocean city that wear shirts that say stuff like "misunderstood". i understand. but i'm going to keep staring. and you're going to be intimidated.
i hate how you cant use your hands on DDR like you can on PIU. it pisses me off.
i like the schools cookies.
i hate how the schools cookies have 54890548490 calories.
i hate people who wear yellowcard teeshirts with bondage pants and stud jewelry. thats ZO not hardcore xxxxxxxxx
i like will millar. he's sexy.
i hate people who feel the need to flirt with ones chad carroll, will millar, and nick stickel. they have girlfriends. and they don't like you. thanks.
i hate people who spell nick stickel "nick stickle", who the hell is nick stick-lee anyway?
i like when mr adams belly jiggles when he walks around in latin. it makes me giggle.
i like my prom dress.
i hate how i have that roll foldy thing in it.
i like elton john. he's the man too.
i hate people with "baby" in their screen name. you're 15. you're not a baby. you don't wear a diper.
i hate people who are 15 with baby in their screen name that do wear dipers. that's scary.
i lurrve chad.
i hate how i've still never hung around with paul. call me sometime, ot foo.