Let's not look back at my reading resolution for 2019. (But to be fair it was "read more books from my physical tbr-pile and I ended up in a different place from it for a considerable amount of time).
This year I picked out some concrete books and for half of them the reason is "They were presents and some of those have been lying round here for 3+ years I'm beginning to feel slightly bad about it and also want to avoid feeling like this about the books I got this Christmas in three years).
List 1 - The Presents
- Benjamin Black - Alchemie einer Mordnacht (Prague Nights/Wolf on a String in the original)
- Bruce Alexander - Der Zorn des Gerechten (Watery Grave)
- Saša Stanišić - Wie der Soldat das Gramophon repariert (lo and behold that's an actual German book. How the Soldier Fixes the Gramophone)
- Sarah Rees Brennan - In Other Lands (yes, I have already half-read that and then it fell victim to moving-related stress and now I really want to finish it)
- Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes. The No Bullshit Guide to Greek Mythology
- Stephen Brust - The Phoenix Guard
List 2 - Books in a series that I want to continue before I forget everything that has happened
- Maggie Robins - Who's Sorry Now
- Marshal Ryan Maresca: The Holver Alley Crew, A Parliament of Bodies and The Way of the Shield
- K. M. McKinley - The Brass God
List 3 - Nice to have aka books that have been lying around for a while and which I mostly picked at random (and with the exception of buddy read Bronte aren't quite as urgent)
- Ursula K. LeGuinn - The Left Hand of Darkness
- Anne Bronte - The Tennant of Wildfell Hall
- KJ Charles - The Casebook of Simon Feximal
- A book by Nenia Campbell
- Michael Moran - A Country in the Moon. Travels in Search of the Heart of Poland
- Ben Crystal - Shakespeare on Toast. Getting A Taste for the Bard
So that makes 11 books on Lists 1+2 plus The Tennant of Wildfell Hall which I really want to read and 5 that I sort of want two read (and really the KJ and the Campbell should be quick reads) so overall that should be manageable and hopefully once I've finished the list(s) I'll feel very motivated to read even more. Possibly even books I already own