Today we have magnificent magical musketeers, dull heists, metaphorical Russian dragons, disappointing Holmes-pastiches, boring lesbians with cheap drama and a fluffy historical. And summing it all up, I'm surprised how few good books are on that list because I swear I had quite a lot of fun, reading. Either Curtis Craddock's awesomeness just made
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That's one way to put it *cries a single tear*. Also I need to use sabatheaing from now on.
I kind of love weird magical systems (and dragons, duh), and dragon dung-based magic actually sounds like it could've been so neat!
That's pretty much what kept me reading for...the first 500 pages or so...and then I went "I have gone so far, now I finish that thing". I was even willing to forgive some stuff because it seems that was the author's first different-world fantasy novel and even some authors I really love and who've already written a lot tend to infodump when they introduce new worlds and the pining...well it is very common but both was really taken to the extreme and then Ardor acted like a jerk. Ugh
I had seen that The Last Tsar's Dragon takes place in Russia but nothing about the real people so I expected somehow...well our world but it's very different because dragons exist instead of...exactly the same but with dragons (and granted Alexei might have been meant more as 'spoiled brat because heir to the throne and because his parents constantly worry about his health' but since he was in like 5 scenes that didn't come over too well).
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