[Jessamine on the surface seems composed but in reality, it's taken quite a bit for her to get up the nerve to call Desmond. Around her neck is one of her usual delicate chains, but the charm on it is far from usual. The glittering diamond ring that Desmond proposed to her with hangs there but it's hidden beneath her dress although it's easy to see the faint outline of it if you're looking close enough. Her wearing it was a step enough because when she had first woken up with Desmond lying next to her, she had hastily stuffed the ring into the very back of her jewelery box.
Her cheeks are a rosy pink - a clear sign of her embarrassment, but other then that, there is nothing else to give away that the blonde is nervous about the past events that had taken place. It was difficult enough coming to terms with having her hair cut so atrociously short and those dresses that she had to wear, and the fake family that she had...but the one thing that she had the most problem with was Desmond.
She hadn't spoken to him since waking up and had made a point to avoid the assassin as much as possible. It may or may not have had anything to do with the fact that he and Isabelle had come out of the event much closer but her pride would never let her admit it. Mostly it had to do with her feelings. Those strange feelings that when put with the event had seemed so right but now seemed so alien to her.]
ic + video (You have no idea how this made me squee <33)failssassinMay 9 2011, 16:09:38 UTC
[When Desmond first picks up the call, it's clear that he's slightly surprised to see Jessamine on the screen: he hadn't expected her to call, though he's pleased by her call. In the background, sounds of heavy construction can be heard: hammers against nails and woods, saws and drills providing a rather noisy environment.]
Jessamine! Ah, just a second...
[The sound is partly muffled, but no enough so and it's easy to pick that the bartender is moving around in what seems to be his club and he tells somebody out of screen that he's walking out, that if there is anything they need him for, to just call him. Then a few moments pass and it's becoming clear that Desmond has walked out of the building and has found a peaceful place a few street corners away. The short walk gives him time enough to get nervous about this call: when they had awaken from that strange dream where they'd been engaged to one another, the novice had been curled tightly against the blond, the covers separating them the only hints that he hadn't been a complete idiot with Jessamine. Words of apologies had been muttered before he had practically run out of her room: he hadn't wanted to be caught there by either Jace or Isabelle. It probably hadn't been the most reasonable thing to do, but Desmond had to admit that he had panicked.
The few following days had been used to piece out what the hell had truly happened and had not, and he had thought that giving the blond Shadowhunter some space to do the same would be the best. His conversation with Naomi had shed some light on the event and on how he should feel about the whole thing. Falsified long-life friendships could still be built, people were not that much different either. He had learned to see others in ways he wouldn't have before. In hindsight, his shopping trip with Izzy had shown him why she'd been so quick to annoy him, to push all the wrong buttons. She'd been jealous of Jessamine, of the fact that Desmond had chosen the blond, in a sense, over her. When they had mended their relationship after waking up, the bartender had realized that there was no way now he could deny any longer the feelings he had for the 19th century young woman. No matter how well him and Izzy were getting along now, the one relationship he was scared the most he'd lost because of the false memories that had been given to them was his friendship with Jessamine. And now that hed seen what this could become, how she'd seem to complete him back then and how at ease and happy he had been around her, it was hard not to want those things again. Even if he knew it wouldn't be the best idea: they both could return to their world soon and end up hurting the other by doing so.
And so he smiles lightly at her when he finally brings back the Dreamberry to show his face. He notices the faint blush but what surprises him most is the outline of the engagement ring hanging around her neck. Desmond can't help but see this as a positive sign and his smile widens ever so slightly.]
ic + video (I'm gladdd <3)halftheladyMay 9 2011, 16:20:36 UTC
[Her heart hammers in her chest when he picks up and she can only nod when he moves to a quieter location. The sounds were startling at first, but then it dawns on her that he had mentioned something about his nightclub being rebuilt.
While he moves, she takes the time to try and compose herself. This is a terrible idea. Everything that her society dictated to her - any sort of social protocol that she had learned said that doing this sort of thing was wrong. But then again, most of everything she had done while she was here was wrong. The thought alone made Jesasmine cringe, especially when she thought back to a week ago. She was trying to desperately to stick to her ideals because that's all she had ever known and was convinced all that she wanted in life. A proper life. A lady-like life. Ever since arriving here, all she's wanted to do was return home to London even if it was to the Institute. At least there she could get her life back on track. There she could find a proper, normal gentleman to be her husband. Her hand goes momentarily to the ring hanging around her neck but it flutters away when Desmond comes back on the line.]
ic + video (Hey, I miss RPing with you bb)failssassinMay 9 2011, 17:59:55 UTC
Yeah. Right before this whole...thing happened, the club got burned down. While you were sleeping, I mean.
[For a moment, Desmond wants to ask if she noticed the fresh flowers by her bed when she woke up. But he doesn't, although he tries to remind himself that he should apologize for sneaking in her bedroom to change the flowers. Lest he wants his head offed by little Alice.
He shifts awkwardly for a moment, wondering what he should or can say. The Assassin decides to go with the safest thing to say, even if it's the lamest.]
ic + video (I miss rping with you too ;A;)halftheladyMay 10 2011, 04:18:01 UTC
[She raises an eyebrow. Everything before the event seems so ridiculously long ago that she's finding it a bit difficult to remember anything what with the random memories coming at her at strange times. If she remembered correctly, she had only awoken one day before Somarium decided to change her memories.]
It was burned down? That's terrible! No one was injured, were they?
[At that question she pauses. That was hardly the question to ask if Desmond wanted a simple answer. It takes her a moment to answer.]
I've certainly been better. That world change was absolutely tiring.
ic + video (/clings and never let go of)failssassinMay 10 2011, 21:46:29 UTC
No one got injured. [If you don't count the hit he got in the stomach] The club was empty and closed when it happened. I'll....spare you the details. [Because he really doesn't want her to be worried. It's in the past.
He gives her a small smile, almost a sad one. Because Desmond is starting to fear this is the call where she'll ask him to never speak to her again. And while he'll never admit it out loud, the very thought of that is breaking his heart.]
Yeah....some people are definitely handling this better than others.
[Namely Naomi who suddenly became his bff of some sorts. He kinda missed you at the wedding, to be honest.]
ic + video (/clings)halftheladyMay 11 2011, 04:55:33 UTC
That's good then. Obviously it isn't good that your club burned down, but I'm relieved that no one was injured.
[She's a tad confused at the sad smile but she has a hunch that it may have something to do with what happened between them. For the time being though she pretends she didn't see it.]
Isabelle seems to be one of those who are adjusting well. [Tilting her head to the side, she looks at him with a look of concern on her face.] How are you adjusting?
Desmond snorts lightly. The brunette might not talk a lot to the blond, but he knows she's not adjusting back as well as she likes to pretend around Jessamine]
I think she misses Irial more than she pretends to. And with Max gone and Jace sleeping, I doubt it's that easy for her, to be honest.
[True, he's concerned about her, but nothing more than as a friend. He shrugs lightly at her question.]
I'll survive. I'm...used to having more than one sets of memories. [His voice has become softer as he obviously is confiding more than what he told any other asking about how he is dealing with all of this. But it's also clear that he's not going to elaborate on that for the time being.] I guess I just need to get used to how people react to me. My circle of friends got expanded ten fold over the last week, to be honest.
[Desmond shifts lightly, feeling that the situation between them really needs to be addressed. But first things first...]
I'm sorry I bolted the other morning, Jessamine. I....I panicked, I guess.
Really? She's always seemed rather nonchalant about him leaving and honestly I am more than appreciative of the silence that comes with Jace sleeping. [As far as Jessamine is concerned, she isn't honestly that interested in Isabelle's love life. Of course, it wasn't like it had anything to do with Irial or the brunette's taste in Downwolders. Can you taste the bitterness in Jessamine's voice? A bit of jealousness may be mixed in there too - but you don't have to pay too much attention to it. It softens slightly though at the mention of Max.] Max though, I suppose I can understand.
I should hope that these memories weren't as distressing as the other ones though. [To be honest, she still doesn't know what he's talking about, but that night where she had to tend to his wounds flashes briefly through her mind.] Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
[She's about to move on to another subject when he mentions the dreaded subject and she catches herself.]
O-oh. [A pause.] It was most likely for the best. I hardly blame you. [After all, the situation was rather...awkward.]
I think she's a little too proud to just admit it out loud. But don't tell her I told you this. [He smiles a little, though it widens at the mention of Jace] Yeah, as I am. It's too bad no one will get the chance to paint his face while he sleeps.
[He hears the jealousy and bitterness and Desmond wonders for a moment if it means what he really think it means. Although, in the end, he still had proposed to Jessamine, no? Shouldn't the message carry over to their 'real' life. Or is he just not handling this the right way?
He opens his mouth to ask how she knows about his memories being distressing, until that first night he slept over because of the monsters flashes through his mind as well. He closes his mouth and shakes his head]
No, they aren't. At least I'm not going to have nightmares about that last week. [Because all in all? It was probably the happiest he's ever been in a while. The mere thought of his proposal and their passionate embrace in the park is bringing warmth to his cheeks.]
I....you think so? [He frowns lightly, growing more uncomfortable as the minutes pass, but he seems willing to go through this] Look, I don't want you to think that I panicked because I was ashamed or something like that about being...engaged to you. Because I wasn't. I mean, I'm not. I was just afraid I'd overstep your boundaries. And I didn't want you to feel...I don't know....obligated to anything, I guess...
[There's no mention of how it's likely that it's something she herself wouldn't mention either. Pride is something that both of the Shadowhunter girls seem to have in common.] I refuse to stoop his childish level. [She pauses almost as an after thought.] If someone else were to do that however, I wouldn't have the slightest problem with it.
[The barest, flicker of a smile appears on her face at that.] Good. I'm glad.
[And there it is. The elephant in the room.] Obligated? Desmond, I...[Her voice trails off because she's at a loss for words. She isn't sure how to respond to something like this. Jessamine has never had to try and solve a problem like this because she's never been engaged to in her short eighteen year life.] You weren't overstepping your boundaries at all. I...well I never expected to come out of that engaged to anyone but apparently I did. I wasn't sure how to act accordingly. [And to be frank, she still doesn't.]
[He smirks lightly at her last words] Then maybe I should break out my black permanent marker. I'm sure a beard and an eyepatch will bring out his inner beauty. [There's a pause, as if he ponders if he should add something. And then he jumps out of his comfort zone] It be worth the aggravation if it makes you smile, Jessamine. [Why yes, he just graced the blond Shadowhunter with some awkward flirting.]
I didn't it expected it either, to be honest. I mean, it does seem a little rushed and I'm not sure I'm really ready for this and it's not like we're dating or anything and...[And then Desmond realizes that he's not going in the right direction with this whole thing. He shakes his head quickly]
Wait. That came out wrong. [He takes a deep breath, obviously trying to collected his thoughts in a better manner] Jessamine, I...when I look back at the....memories we had from that false....I was being honest when I asked you to marry me. It felt right and I did love you and...well...I guess what I'm try to say is that...hum...it made me realize that this is maybe possible? I mean, with time and all and....
[He stops again because this doesn't seem any clearer than before. Desmond smiles sheepishly at Jessamine]
Fuck, I'm really bad at this, aren't I? [There is really no wonder he simply babbled out his proposal last week.]
I guess what I'm trying to say is that...if I'm being honest....I don't think I see you just as a friend. I mean....if you don't mind.
[The thought is enough to bring a slight chuckle to her lips.] Somehow I don't see Jace enjoying that all. All the more reason for you to do so. [She tilts her head to the side thoughtfully, the laugh still lingering on her face.] How sweet of you. I would never admit to enjoying that though. It simply isn't lady like.
[She's sure he'd remember that they thought that they had known each other for nearly a year before the proposal and at the time it hadn't seem rushed at all and so she doesn't say a word at all and simply listens. There isn't much to say anyway that he isn't saying. Still when he's done, she can't find her words again.]
I...I don't believe I mind. I mean - [Her cheeks are growing red and she's trying her best to control that.] I wouldn't see a problem with it.
[He laughs with her] Hey, I promise I won't tell anyone if you do enjoy it.
[The moment of silence doesn't do anything to help with his nervousness, but when Jessamine speaks again, Desmond can't help but to let out a small sigh of relief]
I....I'm glad to hear that, Jessamine. [And that blush is adorable.] Do you think we can risk going out again together? I mean, this world can't screw with us for a third time, right? [There's a sheepish smile and a faint flush on his cheeks. Yeah, he's asking her on a date. A real one this time.]
ic + video (I-I'M SORRY THIS IS SO LATE ;A;)halftheladyJune 5 2011, 03:55:17 UTC
[The smile on her face is surprisingly bashful and she's hesitant but not because she's not sure of her answer, but because of the whole idea of her strict Victorian rules.]
One can hope. A lady always has to look on the bright side of things.
Her cheeks are a rosy pink - a clear sign of her embarrassment, but other then that, there is nothing else to give away that the blonde is nervous about the past events that had taken place. It was difficult enough coming to terms with having her hair cut so atrociously short and those dresses that she had to wear, and the fake family that she had...but the one thing that she had the most problem with was Desmond.
She hadn't spoken to him since waking up and had made a point to avoid the assassin as much as possible. It may or may not have had anything to do with the fact that he and Isabelle had come out of the event much closer but her pride would never let her admit it. Mostly it had to do with her feelings. Those strange feelings that when put with the event had seemed so right but now seemed so alien to her.]
Desmond? Are you busy by any chance?
Jessamine! Ah, just a second...
[The sound is partly muffled, but no enough so and it's easy to pick that the bartender is moving around in what seems to be his club and he tells somebody out of screen that he's walking out, that if there is anything they need him for, to just call him. Then a few moments pass and it's becoming clear that Desmond has walked out of the building and has found a peaceful place a few street corners away. The short walk gives him time enough to get nervous about this call: when they had awaken from that strange dream where they'd been engaged to one another, the novice had been curled tightly against the blond, the covers separating them the only hints that he hadn't been a complete idiot with Jessamine. Words of apologies had been muttered before he had practically run out of her room: he hadn't wanted to be caught there by either Jace or Isabelle. It probably hadn't been the most reasonable thing to do, but Desmond had to admit that he had panicked.
The few following days had been used to piece out what the hell had truly happened and had not, and he had thought that giving the blond Shadowhunter some space to do the same would be the best. His conversation with Naomi had shed some light on the event and on how he should feel about the whole thing. Falsified long-life friendships could still be built, people were not that much different either. He had learned to see others in ways he wouldn't have before. In hindsight, his shopping trip with Izzy had shown him why she'd been so quick to annoy him, to push all the wrong buttons. She'd been jealous of Jessamine, of the fact that Desmond had chosen the blond, in a sense, over her. When they had mended their relationship after waking up, the bartender had realized that there was no way now he could deny any longer the feelings he had for the 19th century young woman. No matter how well him and Izzy were getting along now, the one relationship he was scared the most he'd lost because of the false memories that had been given to them was his friendship with Jessamine. And now that hed seen what this could become, how she'd seem to complete him back then and how at ease and happy he had been around her, it was hard not to want those things again. Even if he knew it wouldn't be the best idea: they both could return to their world soon and end up hurting the other by doing so.
And so he smiles lightly at her when he finally brings back the Dreamberry to show his face. He notices the faint blush but what surprises him most is the outline of the engagement ring hanging around her neck. Desmond can't help but see this as a positive sign and his smile widens ever so slightly.]
Hey. No, I'm not busy. Not anymore, anyway.
[He'd clear his schedule for you, Jessamine.]
While he moves, she takes the time to try and compose herself. This is a terrible idea. Everything that her society dictated to her - any sort of social protocol that she had learned said that doing this sort of thing was wrong. But then again, most of everything she had done while she was here was wrong. The thought alone made Jesasmine cringe, especially when she thought back to a week ago. She was trying to desperately to stick to her ideals because that's all she had ever known and was convinced all that she wanted in life. A proper life. A lady-like life. Ever since arriving here, all she's wanted to do was return home to London even if it was to the Institute. At least there she could get her life back on track. There she could find a proper, normal gentleman to be her husband. Her hand goes momentarily to the ring hanging around her neck but it flutters away when Desmond comes back on the line.]
It sounded noisy. Construction of some kind?
[For a moment, Desmond wants to ask if she noticed the fresh flowers by her bed when she woke up. But he doesn't, although he tries to remind himself that he should apologize for sneaking in her bedroom to change the flowers. Lest he wants his head offed by little Alice.
He shifts awkwardly for a moment, wondering what he should or can say. The Assassin decides to go with the safest thing to say, even if it's the lamest.]
How...how have you been?
It was burned down? That's terrible! No one was injured, were they?
[At that question she pauses. That was hardly the question to ask if Desmond wanted a simple answer. It takes her a moment to answer.]
I've certainly been better. That world change was absolutely tiring.
He gives her a small smile, almost a sad one. Because Desmond is starting to fear this is the call where she'll ask him to never speak to her again. And while he'll never admit it out loud, the very thought of that is breaking his heart.]
Yeah....some people are definitely handling this better than others.
[Namely Naomi who suddenly became his bff of some sorts. He kinda missed you at the wedding, to be honest.]
[She's a tad confused at the sad smile but she has a hunch that it may have something to do with what happened between them. For the time being though she pretends she didn't see it.]
Isabelle seems to be one of those who are adjusting well. [Tilting her head to the side, she looks at him with a look of concern on her face.] How are you adjusting?
Desmond snorts lightly. The brunette might not talk a lot to the blond, but he knows she's not adjusting back as well as she likes to pretend around Jessamine]
I think she misses Irial more than she pretends to. And with Max gone and Jace sleeping, I doubt it's that easy for her, to be honest.
[True, he's concerned about her, but nothing more than as a friend. He shrugs lightly at her question.]
I'll survive. I'm...used to having more than one sets of memories. [His voice has become softer as he obviously is confiding more than what he told any other asking about how he is dealing with all of this. But it's also clear that he's not going to elaborate on that for the time being.] I guess I just need to get used to how people react to me. My circle of friends got expanded ten fold over the last week, to be honest.
[Desmond shifts lightly, feeling that the situation between them really needs to be addressed. But first things first...]
I'm sorry I bolted the other morning, Jessamine. I....I panicked, I guess.
I should hope that these memories weren't as distressing as the other ones though. [To be honest, she still doesn't know what he's talking about, but that night where she had to tend to his wounds flashes briefly through her mind.] Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
[She's about to move on to another subject when he mentions the dreaded subject and she catches herself.]
O-oh. [A pause.] It was most likely for the best. I hardly blame you. [After all, the situation was rather...awkward.]
[He hears the jealousy and bitterness and Desmond wonders for a moment if it means what he really think it means. Although, in the end, he still had proposed to Jessamine, no? Shouldn't the message carry over to their 'real' life. Or is he just not handling this the right way?
He opens his mouth to ask how she knows about his memories being distressing, until that first night he slept over because of the monsters flashes through his mind as well. He closes his mouth and shakes his head]
No, they aren't. At least I'm not going to have nightmares about that last week. [Because all in all? It was probably the happiest he's ever been in a while. The mere thought of his proposal and their passionate embrace in the park is bringing warmth to his cheeks.]
I....you think so? [He frowns lightly, growing more uncomfortable as the minutes pass, but he seems willing to go through this] Look, I don't want you to think that I panicked because I was ashamed or something like that about being...engaged to you. Because I wasn't. I mean, I'm not. I was just afraid I'd overstep your boundaries. And I didn't want you to feel...I don't know....obligated to anything, I guess...
[He's rambling again, isn't he?]
[The barest, flicker of a smile appears on her face at that.] Good. I'm glad.
[And there it is. The elephant in the room.] Obligated? Desmond, I...[Her voice trails off because she's at a loss for words. She isn't sure how to respond to something like this. Jessamine has never had to try and solve a problem like this because she's never been engaged to in her short eighteen year life.] You weren't overstepping your boundaries at all. I...well I never expected to come out of that engaged to anyone but apparently I did. I wasn't sure how to act accordingly. [And to be frank, she still doesn't.]
I didn't it expected it either, to be honest. I mean, it does seem a little rushed and I'm not sure I'm really ready for this and it's not like we're dating or anything and...[And then Desmond realizes that he's not going in the right direction with this whole thing. He shakes his head quickly]
Wait. That came out wrong. [He takes a deep breath, obviously trying to collected his thoughts in a better manner] Jessamine, I...when I look back at the....memories we had from that false....I was being honest when I asked you to marry me. It felt right and I did love you and...well...I guess what I'm try to say is that...hum...it made me realize that this is maybe possible? I mean, with time and all and....
[He stops again because this doesn't seem any clearer than before. Desmond smiles sheepishly at Jessamine]
Fuck, I'm really bad at this, aren't I? [There is really no wonder he simply babbled out his proposal last week.]
I guess what I'm trying to say is that...if I'm being honest....I don't think I see you just as a friend. I mean....if you don't mind.
[She's sure he'd remember that they thought that they had known each other for nearly a year before the proposal and at the time it hadn't seem rushed at all and so she doesn't say a word at all and simply listens. There isn't much to say anyway that he isn't saying. Still when he's done, she can't find her words again.]
I...I don't believe I mind. I mean - [Her cheeks are growing red and she's trying her best to control that.] I wouldn't see a problem with it.
[The moment of silence doesn't do anything to help with his nervousness, but when Jessamine speaks again, Desmond can't help but to let out a small sigh of relief]
I....I'm glad to hear that, Jessamine. [And that blush is adorable.] Do you think we can risk going out again together? I mean, this world can't screw with us for a third time, right? [There's a sheepish smile and a faint flush on his cheeks. Yeah, he's asking her on a date. A real one this time.]
One can hope. A lady always has to look on the bright side of things.
Is that a 'yes'?
[Please let it be a yes?]
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