Sonnet 007

Oct 09, 2008 17:03

;jka;kj alslk s

accidental post, event, fucking blind, blind, i'm fucking blind

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[Audio] purebredtwin October 10 2008, 00:06:08 UTC
Mercutio, are you alright?


failingmercury October 10 2008, 00:12:54 UTC
[Audio] purebredtwin October 10 2008, 00:16:37 UTC
...I apologize. I was unaware of your condition.

Is there anything I can do to help you?


[Audio] failingmercury October 10 2008, 00:21:53 UTC
Mother of God and Virgin, rejoice, Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, for thou hast given birth to the Saviour of our souls.


[Audio] purebredtwin October 10 2008, 00:29:40 UTC

Mercutio, you'll be fine. The doctor is on his way to check on you right now, and your vision will be restored soon enough...


[Audio] failingmercury October 10 2008, 00:31:25 UTC
The physic cannot help, for this is an infliction of God.


[Audio] purebredtwin October 10 2008, 00:34:29 UTC
We've all been affected by this, and it's supposedly the work of the Captain.


[Audio] failingmercury October 10 2008, 00:36:02 UTC
The chill of thy lies reaches the very marrow of my bones. I saw thee for what thou truly art! Abased and wretched fae who did sup from my limbs!


[Audio] purebredtwin October 10 2008, 00:39:16 UTC
...Mercutio, It was a misunderstanding. It was my fault for being vague, and I'm truly sorry; I'm fully responsible for my actions and would be willing to do anything to assist you in recovering.


[Audio] failingmercury October 10 2008, 00:43:19 UTC
... truly?

Never hath a fae given sincere apologies...


[Audio] purebredtwin October 10 2008, 00:46:42 UTC
...I don't enjoy taking others' blood; yet I have to in order to sustain myself after an extended period of time. Your blood was the first I've taken in over three years.

I truly believed you were offering it to me; I did not realize your condition. If there's anything I can do to help, I'll see what I can do, although my vision has been compromised as well.


[Audio] failingmercury October 10 2008, 00:51:35 UTC
... then...

I apologise for my cruel words. Thou'rt not abased, neither wretched. Forgive me.


[Audio] purebredtwin October 10 2008, 00:55:47 UTC
No, It's alright...

Has the doctor managed to find you yet?


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