Name: Layfon Alseif
Age: 15
Hair: Brownish reddish mostly brownish, mostly cut about his face except one bit that's a bit longer. idk, layfon.
Eyes: Greeeeen.
Medical Info: He heals incredibly fast due to his spiritual energy or something, idk. He definitely heals faster than your average human being. Despite that, has taken many many hits in his life, so one would think he has some scarring - other than that, he's extremely fit but kind of otherwise prrrretty average.
Physical traits: Averageish height and weight for his age! Quite wiry musculaturewise. His eyes are very very green. ... idek, I'm rubbish at these things.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Whatever you like, meta sort of gently exists in Regios, in the background. Two characters have watched some of its prequel, for example.
Abilities: ..................... OH HELL I WILL COME BACK TO THIS
Layfon has many varied fighting-based abilities. In his own canon he is the protagonist godmode. TALK ABOUT GRENDAN/HEAVEN'S BLADES/PSYHARDEN/POW POW LASERS/STRING THEORY/SWORDS/SPIRITUAL ENERGY goes here later.
Notes for the Psychics: crouching derp, hidden badass. Also Layfon has a near primal survival reflex - he wants to live, and for the people he cares about to live, and live happily. In his environment this is something that is routinely endangered, so ... Layfon is very stressed a lot of the time.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: The answer is nearly always yes.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: See above.
Maim/Murder/Death: LAYFON IS MADE FOR PAIN, HE LIKES IT but he is relatively godmodey and has a real SURVIVAL REFLEX so ... approach with care.
Cooking: ...... i highly doubt it. PEOPLE TEND TO COOK FOR LAYFON.