Dec 12, 2004 15:59
Good god, between all county, my exams, the christmas party, and christmas shopping, i feel like i'm going to have a nuclear melt down of the brain! Good thing the Christmas party, and all county are over with, though. I can move on to bigger, better, more important things now LoL
Christmas Party- Hmm...I didn't exactly have the GREATEST time, but i don't want that to make anyone think that i didn't really have fun. Because it was really fun at times. But it was a bit of a disappointment compared to the past 2 years. Not as many people showed up this year, and I believe the DJ was in a 1990's time warp. He played a total of about 4 newER songs. The rest were all so freakin old.. I mean, a lot of old music is good, but he played the crappy kind of old music. I was forced to dance this year, again. whateva-eva!!! I was just too disappointed that a lot of the people i COUNTED on being there weren't. Oh well..there's always next year. Sara and Edward got King and Queen. I'm proud they're my best friends <3 I danced with Heather at the end, and that was fun. At the end of the dance i smacked her on the ass and said "thanks heather! that was magical!" hahaha
All County- Oh dear audtion sucked really bad LOL. I'm a little mad that i wasn't nervous until i stepped into the room and my throat decided to quiver, which means i couldn't play like 2 of my scales 2 octaves, WHICH i was doing fine 10minutes before!!! GRRR. My solo went okay. I knew none of the terms (then again, i didn't really study for them) and the sight reading was GREAT (not!). que lastima. Oh well. I'm sure Region will be so much better, even though the solo is much harder. But at least i'll know ALL of my scales, will have studied my terms, and will have practiced much much more.
Anyway, that's about the end of my excitement for this weekend. I'm sooo ready for this last week of school before christmas break to be over!!!! no more chemistry! hooray! English next semester..HOORAY!! God, i love english class...unless it's boring, which it better not be!!