so long, lj. thanks for all the fish.

Dec 23, 2011 22:18

It feels odd to break months of silence just to announce that I'm abandoning ship, but I'd feel even odder just sidling off. The comment page debacle is one too many for me; I'm switching to
failing_light as my primary journal and I will be doing all my reading on DW. I find the new comment pages actively difficult to read and I'm very, very tired of LJ's "it's not broken? great, let's fix it!" mentality.

I don't deal with change well, and this journal has been an online home to me for a long time (7 years - good god, how did that happen?!). I'm feeling a bit melodramatic about it, but in the end, I want to invest my fannish energies somewhere I'm happy to be. I'm not quite ready to let go of the LJ model of fannish engagement - and I want to get back to being more engaged! - so DW it is.

life the universe and everything

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