
Jul 12, 2006 23:24

For all of you who judged me for playing WoW so much, at least I get paid phatty greens for playing a game. Ha~

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sanctified4him July 14 2006, 02:01:34 UTC
Wow, that's pretty sweet! It'll pay for college books and other expenses!

How much time and money did you invest in the game? Are you recovering almost all of it?


failing_hope July 14 2006, 03:36:42 UTC
Way too much time (though it was fun when I was playing), $240 on subscription.


sanctified4him July 14 2006, 18:07:24 UTC
Do you think that you'll miss the game? Are you sad to let it go?


failing_hope July 14 2006, 20:45:32 UTC
Miss it? probably not, I'm so sick of this game (and there are others to play in its stead). Kinda sad to know that someone else will be playing the toons I spent so much time on.. but my frown is immediately reversed when I see how much it will sell for hehe.


sanctified4him July 15 2006, 13:35:24 UTC
Good luck with the auction! :p


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