2004 Year in Review

Dec 31, 2004 12:48

Yes yes, it's that time again. I hate not being able to remember a lot of the stuff from earlier in the year.. but I'll do my best. I think this was an average year- some big good things and some big bad things that made it just 'ok'

The Bad:
- The whole crappy situation with Bradly earlier in the year..
- Band troubles (first we kicked bradly out, then we kicked zach out numerous times)
- The whole explosion with zach in general. It SUCKED that we had that fall out.
- Prom/18th birthday was a nightmare
- Not being able to go to New York this summer (or this winter) was a huge disappointment

The Good:
- The band started to get somewhere musically with the 3 initial songs we wrote (soliloquy, bang bang bang, and anchovies)
- Becoming very good (if not best) friends with both Bradly and Jason
- Turning 18
- Graduation bitches!
- Going to the beach with Tracy, Lauren, and Rachel for a weekend was a blast (minus the sunburn), but sadly the last time I was with them all together
- The biggie: COLLEGE! college is better than I ever expected it to be. I met some AWESOME people
- Zach and I are now really good friends, which I am loving. I owe a lot of my great college experience to him
- Went to Savannah to visit Bradly, which was hella fun
- Soliloquy has taken a step up with our music- it's fantastic!
- Last but not least, Bradly <3

So, my year went from not so good to good, thus I'm content right now :) Happy new year folks!
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