
Mar 19, 2011 12:55

Okay I need some help. I am making mixies and Fanmixies and I need help with them. I don't know a lot of songs/ artists I could use some recommended to me so I can look them up. I also need help with titles for the mixes.

I am making one for my mom and these are the some of the songs I am going to be using and I would like more. She also wants the full cd of ‘What’s the Story Morning Glory’ by Oasis and ‘Rock Spectacle’ by Barenaked Ladies and ‘Happiness... Is Not a Fish’, ‘Gravity’,’ Clumsy’ by Our Lady Peace and “Watching the Cables sleep” by bush. If you could tell me how to make this for her and how to make it interesting that would be awesome.

“I Turn to You” by Christina Aguilera

“A Song for Mama” by Boyz 2 Men

“Mama” by Spice Girls

“The Best Day” by Taylor Swift

“Someone’s Watching over me” by Hilary Duff

I also need help with the cover art and back covers; the program I use won’t put the pictures I choose big enough to fill the whole thing.

If anyone can suggest songs and some titles I would forever be in your debt.

I am also making a mix for Leroy Jethro Gibbs and the one song I have for it is ‘Grave Digger’ by Dave Matthews. If you can suggest songs for this one too that would be awesome. I am also making a mix for Col. Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neil and the one song I have for it is ‘Grave Digger’ by Dave Matthews. If you can suggest songs for this one too that would be awesome.

The part where it’s this

“Now you should never have to watch

Your only children lowered in the ground

I mean you should never have to bury your own babies”

This is for both of them but if you can give me songs for them that don’t revolve around their child dying. That would be great.

If you just suggest singers and mention some songs you think would fit that’s fine I’ll give you credit for suggesting it.

Thanks for All You’re Help.


help, lyrics, text

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