carl watson

Mar 18, 2010 21:58

i have to write, the need is wriggling around under my skin and my efforts to ignore it are futile. you know how there are just some things in the world that inspire you, for whatever reason. well i already knew that Fight Club (the movie) inspires me to write, but I have found a new one today. The Hotel of Irrevocable Acts by Carl Watson. It is such an amazing book. Its kind of a mind fuck though so you can't read too much of it at one time. But I'm reading it and its putting that wriggling monster under my skin to work with the urge to write and I am already contemplating how many times I am going to reread this book. It is honestly amazing so far. I already knew I was going to like it when my teacher said if you like the Coen Brothers you'll like this. i suggest reading it, especially if you like the coen brothers movies (oh! brother where art though, fargo, a serious man etc etc).

i think i am inspired by things that are like my writing voice. that are saying things that i like to say...about the world that is. But yes if you really want to know the feeling of my writing it is like fight club and maybe one day hotel of irrevocable acts. the latter is much too developed and constantly deep for my work to feel like at this moment in time but my work is the beginning and that book is the end.

i have been trying to look up information on carl watson and I really can't. its so upsetting and almost disgusting that i can type in something to google and not get any information on it. honestly i am at a loss that such a thing could happen.

so wait on to the actual writing i wanted to do, or i mean not writing about the things that want me to write i really have nothing specific or concrete in mind to write about. but really what is concrete, not much in my head. today i almost through up on the bus because I couldn't block anything out that was going on around me. I was staring at every bristle at the bottom of the door, i was hearing every voice and laughs and the shadows were performing tasks like putting up their hair and it was too much. the shadow putting up the hair was the one that really got me though. the shadow was moving so quickly and efficiently, yet taking time to get all their hair up. i started to wonder if the shadow was the person more than the person was. because i can stare at the shadow and see it do all of its movements and the shadow wouldn't change its actions because I was looking at it, but a person would most definitely. so if i look at the shadow do i see the person more than if i looked at the body?

and another thing, my dreams and my thoughts and my memories are all the same things. the only thing separating them is how i choose to label them. but they feel all the same to my mind; the liquidy perception in my mind. none of them are clear and all of them have the same effect on my person, my emotions, my life.
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