
Dec 07, 2005 18:36

Yeah so i dont write in this a lot. usually just when i need to get stuff out..

So i seriousally cant take my parents anymore. they are driving me fucking CRAZY....i mean i get introuble for every fucking this i do. So yesterday im just sittin in my room talking to the sweet assisatence soccer coach jeff...haha on the phone and when i get off my dad is bitching at me because i was on the phone...then jeff came over at like 845 so i leave and my dad told me to be home at 9 so im like whatever so like we just drove around with steve too. so like i get home at like of course 5 min late oo shit theres another reason to them im getting yelled at for that not, so he doesent want me doing that anymore..just like every other fucking thing i dont do these days, its just like from the time i get home from school till the time i go to sleep there bitchig, like it only seams like im always in a room like hiding away just so i dont gotta fight with them. or when they do start too yell at me i just tell them too fuck off or something and get in more trouble or i ignore them and also get whatever i do its something rong. So then today i get home from school i dont even step 5 feet into the house yet and my dads askin me why my rooms a mess or some shit..and then i had to like clean the house..and then im sleeping and i get up right before dinner and my moms freaking out like im not aloud to sleep or some shit asking me if im sick and why and stuff...i mean god damn if there was something rong with me dont you think i would tell you. so then i tell her too stop asking me so many questions and she gets mad at me because im "mouthing" off to her...what the fuck all i said was stop asking my questions so then of course we get into another fight but i just walked away and said screw it im not even going to fight with them anymore and if i get introuble for telling them to shut up or not too talk to me or i ignore them, then they can get the fuck over it and stop bitching at me and taking everything out on me and if there havinf a bad day or some shit not too take it out on me and just stop bitching about every little thing...i really dont know what too do its driving me crazy i need to do something to get all this shit off my think im done now..ill probally end up saying a bunch of shit later on who knows what will happen
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