I think I’m gonna pass on the bar until it’s a reasonable hour of night. Until then, it’s not bad at all to stand out on the deck and stare out over the ocean, waiting for the next ring from Romario. (I think he’s jealous of us all, poor guy
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[ooc: nom nom I'm thinking of picking up Romario, Y/Y?!]
[ooc: ............................................
Can I. Can I just. Hold you. For a moment. And maybe bite your shoulder or something weird so that you'll know how insane. How insanely happy I would be.
Hmm..as long as they don't touch my face or dangle from my tie I'll be okay.
[ooc: :333]
-- Hahaha, they're gonna canonize you one day, I know it. Patron saint of clingy children.
[ooc: ;________________________; ♥]
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