a lesson before dying. it takes place in the 1930s. the story is told from grant wiggins's point of view. hes a black teacher, used to work on some white guys ..place with his aunt (tante lou) and one other lady who is jeffersons godmother (miss emma). one night jefferson was walking to go to some convienent store. 2 guys pulled over and asked if he wanted a ride, he said sure, they were drunk. they were gonna try to buy beer without enough money.. and the store owner was an elderly white woman who was friends with jeffersons godmother. they ended up shooting at her, and she shot at the 2 robbers. they all died and jefferson didn't run, but because he was "a fool" he took the money after a lil while, left, and got caught by the police. they sentenced him death. they called him a hog too. the one thing miss emma wants before he dies is to have grant teach him how to be a man..she wants him to go in the chair and die a man, not a hog. grant has a girlfriend named vivian. she is married ("a separation is not divorce") and has 2 kids. grant doesn't want to teach jefferon because you can't teach someone to be a man just to let them die. he wants to run away to the north/somewhere with vivian but she won't until the divorce. they don't know if teaching him is legal, but miss emma begs henri pichot. her and tante lou used to work on his place with grant. hes white. he says its not up to him and they ask the sheriff (mr sam). mr sam thinks hes better than grant because hes white, and grant being a teacher is smart soo yeah. eventually mr sam says that grant can go up to teach him ....and thats how much i got from the first 50 pages. i've realized the sooner i read it the better. i wonder if i could have read more or less if i hadn't only read it during commercial breaks of family guy and the simpsons and then again while lying in bed listening to fall out boy. i'm gonna go to bed soon, and listen to letter kills. maybe force myself to read more, i dunno. technically, warped is tomorrow. and jacqui said if my mom drives us friday she will come.
and this conversation is from a couple days ago. i'm kinda tired and don't feel like fixing the colors of the screen names, but thats okay- the convo isn't really whats important. i just want to show off my lovely gingey
jass4298: now i just need to find what i wanted to snedO:-)
jass4298: send*
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: oh, another scary freaky shudder picture?
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: oh!
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: it's so scary
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: and freaky
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: and SHUDDER!
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: it a ginger!
shes so lil:-)
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: shes like ahlf the size of the pilow!
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: thats so scary!
jass4298: haha i know huh? there were 2 we could of chose from. the other was a lil smaller. this one was chubbier
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: haha
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: chubby = good..?
jass4298: chubby is cute!
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: yay!
you probly don't care about the picture i sent her before. hahah. it wasn't that bad. after i sent it the first things said were..
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: that's interesting.
jass4298: ..they're mostly straight though
jass4298: so its strange
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: "mostly"
jass4298: lol well i guess one of them is bi. muahah
KilleRbLiNkBunnY: oh, mostly does apply there doesnt it.
theres more i could post in there. but i'll do it another time when i'm less tired. oh and err, you're recommendations for this entry will be dillinger escape plan and every time i die. they're touring together. and they're both awesome. and yeah. check em out