11. Run: v.intr. To move freely, on or as if on wheels

Dec 06, 2007 09:56

Elendira, I made your delivery.

Not saying a thing about potatoes. Not a thing. Nothing about potatoes.

I'm going to go find a little oak tree for by my bed, I think. I haven't had a Hogswatch in forever. Does anyone know where I can find paper sausages? I guess I'll need to get some socks so I can hang one up for the Hogfather....

It'll all go wrong, but at least I'll have given it a go.

[ooc: For the Discworld uninitiated, a very cursory explanation of Hogswatch can be found here. For more in-depth, watch the BBC miniseries Hogfather, but don't miss the beginning, like my friend did, or you'll be utterly lost.]
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