Yeah so today school was so gay, 5ht hour is the best tho, me jessica sam tom and greg just sit there and laugh about stupid things. im gonna kill many people! and vince w stop opening your big ass mouth about shit you dont no what your talking about. its really fucking gettin on my nerves
comment people! :)
yeah thats all i have to say for now.
a l l a b o u t y o u
[Birth date] 09-27-90
[Birthplace] detroit
[Eye Color] brown
[Hair Color] brown
[Height] 5'6sih
[Zodiac Sign] librs
[Current Mood] pissed off
[Current Hair] curly like always lol
[Current Annoyance] to may things
[Current Desktop Picture] ryan from the oc lol ow ow
[Current Favorite Groups] GrEeN dAy!!
[Current Worry] people
[Current Crush] im not sure about this one ://
d e s c r i b e
[The shoes you wore today] entines green
[Your weakness] love
[Your fears] spiders, being in the dark alone
[Your perfect pizza] peperoni
[Most exciting moment of the day] 5th hour hahah
[Your perfect day] i like cold weather lol
[Goal you'd like to achieve] i have a few...
t e l l
[Your most overused phrase on AIM] lol
[Your thoughts first waking up] well on school days DAMMIT and other days, im goin back to sleep
[Your best physical feature] i duno i like my eyes lol
[Your bedtime] dont really have 1
[Curfew] dont really have 1
[Your greatest accomplishment] soccer?
[Your most missed memory] way to many
[Your most embarrassing moment] to many of those!
[Favorite movies] drumline, notebook, lion king! and LONGEST YARD ha i love that movie
[Favorite song] dont really have 1
[Type of music] rock and a little rap
y o u p r e f e r
[Guys or Girls] guys, i dont roll the other way =P
[Pepsi or Coke] either
[McDonald`s or Burger King] mcdonalds
[Single or group dates] whichever
[Adidas or Nike] adidas
[Chocolate or vanilla] chocolate
[Cappuccino or coffee] cappiccino
[Beach or the Pool] beach
[Tall or short] tall
[Shoes or slippers] slippers
[Staying home or going out] going out
[Night or day] night
d o y o u
[Smoke] ....
[Sing well] pUh no way lol
[Do you think you've been in love] not really
[Want to go to college] yeah
[Like high school] to see people yeah
[Want to get married] yep
[Have kids] like 2
[Believe in yourself] most of the time
[Get motion sickness] it depends
[Think you're attractive] sure
[Think you're a health freak] no
[Get along with your parents] something mostly not
[Like roller coasters] some
[Like thunderstorms] yesssss
[Play an instrument] no
i n t h e p a s t m o n t h
[Drank alcohol] yes
[Smoked] yes
[Done a drug] no
[Gone on a date] i guess you can call it that
[Kissed anyone] yes
[Gone to the mall] yes
[Eaten an entire box of Oreos] heck yes
[Eaten sushi] ew no
[Been on stage] no
[Been dumped] no
[Gone skating] yes lol
[Made homemade cookies] no
[Gone skinny dipping] no
[Dyed your hair] no
[Stolen anything] no
h a v e y o u e v e r
[Played a game that required removal of clothing] yes
[Been trashed or extremely intoxicated] lol...
[Been caught "doing something"] yes
[Been called a tease] no
[Gotten beaten up] no
[Asked someone out] no
a t t r a c t i o n
[Best eye color] BLUE!
[Hair color] brown or dirty blonde, like skater hair lol
[Piercings] not to many
[Tattoos] it dont mastter
[Short or long hair] short
[Best height] tall but not to tall
[Best articles of clothing] nothing really just what they like to wear
[Features] smile, eyes, humor...
[The best date location] toughy.
[Best kiss location] that could be a lot of places
n u m b e r o f
[Drugs taken illegally] i duno lol
[People I could trust with my life] a couple
[CDs that I own] a lot.
[Piercings] ears
[Tattoos] 0
[Times name has appeared in the newspaper] i dont think any lol
[Number of scars on my body] not to many
[Things in my past that I regret]sooo much. :/
t h e f u t u r e
[Age you hope to be married] like 20-25
[Numbers and Names of Children] 2 i like anthony for a boy amanda for a girl
[Describe your Dream Wedding] i dont really have one
[What do you want to be when you grow up] either a doctor, laywer, or soccer player
[Where do you want to end up] somewhere cold but not like freezing lol