[Incredi-fail private to the Admiral]
[After seeing
this on the network, Dally's emotions are going haywire. He meant this verbally abusive entry to be private to the Admiral, but he sort of failed.:|
And if you're on the 6th floor (aka if you're Narvin), you were being treated to quite the wall punching-fest prior to this.Fucking--What the hell
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[It's the simple fact that you're here that gets to him first, and that's all it takes for his brain to entirely shut down. There was no way he would even attempt to decipher the rest.]
That you, Dal...?
It takes him a few minutes, but he eventually switches his video on. If Johnny were to look closely, he might catch Mason, Dally's new dog, chilling in the background. Because that's what's really important. Obviously.]
You can't be here, kid.
D-dally...what are you...I didn't think...
You're here...
[Still shocked, but...a tiny smile may start to tug at the corners of his mouth. He's still not thinking much about the state in which he'd found his friend. He's only focused on Dally really, truly being there with him...]
Meet me up on the deck. Now.
[Seeing as he'd only been on the ship for about an hour, it took him a while to navigate himself back toward the deck, but, he managed to get there eventually, and went immediately on the lookout for his friend.]
He hurries to the top deck, literally shoving people out of the way when it suits him. When he arrives at the top deck, his heart can't decide if it wants to drop or leap. Make up your mind, Dally's emotions.]
You're here. What are you doing here? How are you here?
[That didn't mean he couldn't grin though, ear to ear like some kinda moron or something, but he didn't care...he was happy. He was relieved. He was safe now, because Dally was here...and now, things wouldn't be so bad afterall...they couldn't be.]
I...I guess I don't really know. I woke up here, and that admiral, well...he told me I could stay here, that I could keep on goin' here...
I thought I'd walked right into hell, at first...
He keeps a distance between himself and Johnny, staring practically unblinkingly. He isn't going to let himself get too attached this time, not with the knowledge that at least one person leaves the barge per month.]
Goddammit, Johnny...
[Then again, just seeing him like this might be enough. Not hurt, not burned, not confined to a hospital bed. But it's a prison. And Johnny Cade doesn't belong in a prison.]
Goddammit...Did he even tell you what this is? Did he tell you why all these people are here? [The Admiral always has been pretty shifty.:|] It's a prison. He made a mistake bringin' you here.
I know it, Dal...At least...well, by the way he was talkin', I figured it'd be somethin' like that...
He didn't make me a prisoner though. He brought me here to help people, so they can leave, s'what he said. It can't be so bad, not...not really...
[Not compared to burning in hell, anyway.]
But it doesn't change the fact that it's a prison, and they're gonna be pairing you up with someone who's here as a prison. And let me tell you, if you think it's rough back home, you're in for a big surprise. You'd be better off back home.
[He looks up, eyebrows furrowed deep in confusion.]
Dally, I...I can't go back home...
[And then, just as quick as he looked up, he's back to staring at the floor, expression having fallen considerably since the first time he'd seen Dally up on the deck.]
You know that...there ain't no place for me there anymore...
You know that...you was there, I remember...
But maybe it is best that Johnny's at least with someone who cares about him, regardless of the setting. He's still not happy about it, but Dallas can at least keep an eye on him this way, and be prepared to deck anyone who tries to screw with him.
Besides, the last thing Dally wants is to make the kid unhappy, so after a long stretch of silence, he sighs and takes a step forward to ruffle Johnny's hair, forcing the sharpness out of his voice when he speaks again.]
Guess you're in this for the long run, then, huh? At least the Admiral got somethin' right, makin' you a warden...
[What was Dally doing here? Why was he so adamant about Johnny leaving the barge? Was he yelling at the admiral about Johnny before...? Why did it matter so much? They were together again, and that was pretty cool, wasn't it?
[He feels his hair getting ruffled and his head snaps up, the thoughtful and confused expression shifting into that of weak relief and joy.]
I don't know, really...When he started talkin' about 'wardens' and 'inmates', I was sure I was in some sorta trouble...
And...he does kind of have Johnny back. That solves a lot of his own problems, right? Maybe? He'd hug the poor kid if it were something Dallas Winston does, but Johnny is Johnny so he gets the next closest thing: an arm around his shoulders. Screw not getting attached.]
Yeah? [Okay maybe his eyes are just a little wet but it's not noticeable in the slightest. IT'S JUST...JOHNNY. ALIVE. AND UNHARMED. IT'S A BARGE MIRACLE.] Glory, kid. You're--you're really the last person I would've expected to show up here.
Here I am...
[Smiling like a moron.]
I had no idea that you'd be here, Dal...I thought I'd have to be here all by my lonesome...
M'real glad that you're here...
Oh, well. Johnny's here, and while Dallas is still adamant about the Barge not being the right place for him, at least he isn't here all alone. It's almost like the Admiral planned it somehow.]
Didn't mean to go off on you like that earlier, kid. It really is nice to see you. Man...
[There's so much he would like to say, but he won't allow himself to say, so he's just going to offer up a smile and tousle Johnny's hair again, just to make sure he's really there.]
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