I want to write fic but I think I will end up being a death fic and no one wants that. I feel so inadequate right now. I need to write a letter or something but I have no one to send it to.
In other news, I made some icons based on
this art from scans_daily over on Insane Journal. However I am computer illiterate and don't know how to shrink them
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So yeah. *hugs Jason* Poor thing muse be so COLD on that mission. >>;;
Donna is also a bitch? Poor Jason, no one loves him except you.
Donna's not a bitch. She sees the error of her ways by the end, and Jason gets hugs. ...and he gets a little saucy, which causes Donna to threaten to put him on her knee...? Donna, I didn't know you were into spanking! o.o;; >>;; Bah, I'm sure Jason'd like it, lol. XD
0.o Donna probably shouldn't offer to spank Jason, would he have even been legal?
Haha, well she meant it as hitting a kid for discipline, but yeeeeaaah, Jason was totally 15 at that point, and Donna had to be in her early/mid-twenties. Sketchy Donna is sketchy. Jason would not mind. >>;;
I'm sure she did. Jaosn would definitely have enjoyed it, he is just awesome/awful(?) like that.
Heee, of course he would. Bats must have kinks. ^-^
Oh you crazy Bats, never change.
Heee, cosplay. Hmm, I think my Red Hood cosplay may not happen, but Have my Steph!Robin, and I can very easily make a Fire from JLI costume. Mmm, cons. <3
True facts. ...unless they want less angst. I'd be okay with that change. XD
I haven't comics-cosplayed and as much as I would love too I don't think I ever will. Too much skintight lycra for my self-esteem to handle. I am thinking of cosplaying as Haruko from FLCL because it would be relatively easy. There is only one con I can attend in my state. Aside from one purely anime one but that's super expensive and crap.
Oh yeah, less angst would be wonderful. I'd also like Jason to stop stabbing Tim. Kthnxbai
I've never comic cosplayed, but my first cosplay was Garnet from FFIX, so I'm okay with tight clothes. Ooh, FLCL. Drugs, that show was all drugs, and I only watched an episode or two.
Jason would stop stabbing Timmy if DC would stop RAPING Jason. Pretty literally this time, even. :( Wait, do all Robins get raped now? Watch out, Timmy! Um, Steph too! Bah, Damian can take it for all I care. >>;;
I am totally not okay with tight clothes. (Oh hai there. You totally look like a younger version of one of my teachers. Spooky) My first, and only, cosplay was Chi from Chobits. Such a pretty costume.
FLCL is great, I just finished watching it today. It makes more sense as you watch more.
Oh.. oh god no. No. I am not letting that happen. If they rape Tim I will write so many angry letters to DC and never buy anything from them again and possibly go after Didio. Also Steph, because she has had enough crap thrown her way.
*snorts* (I've never heard that before... Should I be insulted...?) Heee, Chobits. <3
Oh god, that remind. DIDIO is going to be at the con I'm going to in a few weeks. I have no one going with me yet, so I may get kicked out for attacking him in a blind rage. >>;;
Yeah, Steph was almost molested/raped by her babysitter. *hugs her* Timmy can stay free of awkward/evil/bad sexual experiences.
You shouldn't be insulted! She is pretty and so are you <3 seeing as we just discussed my liking of girls I should clarify that I am not trying to hit on you or anything Chobits was the first anime I loved, and still the only complete series I own.
Kick 'im in the nuts for me! Nicola Scott is going to be at the con I'm going to, I am get kicked out for fangirling too hard.
Yeah, I remember that. That dude was a jerk.. Tim does not need bad sexual experiences to go with everything else that is fucking him over.
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