Fic: Tabloids

Nov 17, 2009 13:06

Title: Tabloids
Characters: Tim Drake, Jaime Reyes, Eddie Bloomberg, Rose Wilson, Cassie Sandsmark, M'gann M'orzz
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 717
Author's Notes: Because I have a weird obsession with Tim Wayne being in the tabloids.

Jaime and Eddie sat side by side, heads bent over the table, keenly examining a magazine in front of them. M'gann was sat opposite them, leaning forward but not really paying attention. The magazine was hers, but Jaime and Eddie were the most interested. Mostly because two of their teammates were on the cover.

"It can't be them," Eddie insisted, his eyes bugging out.

"It looks like them and it says it's them," Jaime said, moving the magazine and tilting his head to look at a different angle.

"What're you guys looking at?" Rose's voice called out from the doorway as she entered the room.

Jaime and Eddie stared at each other in horror, M'gann sat up straight, weighing the risk of trying to keep the magazine away from Rose. They all remained completely still though as Rose sauntered over to them, leaning over the boys to read the magazine.

"Oh. My. God." Rose gasped, reaching down to touch the pictures. "It can't be them."

"It is," Jaime confirmed.

"Robin is going to lose his shit," Rose practically giggled.

"Hot damn!" Eddie jumped out of his seat, "Imagine what Batman will say!"

Everyone except Jaime burst into laughter.

"Batman knows," Jaime said firmly and when everyone looked at him questioningly he continued, "It's Batman, he knows everything."

"You really think Batman lets Robin get away with that?" Rose asked skeptically.

"Maybe not.." Jaime paused and coughed, "that in particular, but he definitely knows."

"Guys," M'gann interjected suddenly. "Someone needs to tell them."

The group looked at each other awkwardly.

"No way am I going to be the one to tell Robin that," Eddie said.

"Tell Robin what?" A voice asked.

Everyone jumped up in shock, M'gann went straight to the ceiling and floated there awkwardly. The scarab suited up Jaime at the sudden rush of adrenalin and Jaime joined M'gann on the ceiling. Eddie and Rose simply backed away from Robin. Eddie realized about five seconds too late that he'd forgotten the magazine, he reached out to grab it just as Robin snatched it up off the table. Eddie shrieked and hid behind Rose.

They remained still, holding their breaths as Tim read the magazine, turning the pages slowly and carefully examining each page. As he read, his mask shifted in the way that meant he was raising an eyebrow. Very carefully he closed the magazine and laid it back on the table.

"Well," Tim paused and looked around the room, none would meet his gaze, "That was an interesting read."

"We had nothing to do with it!" Jaime hurriedly denied.

Tim let out a quiet laugh and the whole room sighed audibly in relief.

At that moment Cassie walked into the room behind Tim and upon seeing the state of the team pressed her face into her hands.

"What are you doing?" She asked cautiously, sounding very much like she didn't actually want to know.

Tim smirked. "The rest of the team were just indulging in some idle gossip."

"About what?" Cassie questioned further.

"The article seemed to be speculating whether or not the rumors regarding the romance between Timothy Wayne and Zachary Zatara are true," Tim replied, completely deadpan.

Cassie blinked, "Um. What?"

"They do have some fairly irrefutable evidence," Tim responded, handing Cassie the magazine.

Cassie opened the magazine to the pages Tim indicated and skimmed the article quickly, mainly focusing on the pictures. The first had Tim and Zatara sitting together in a restaurant, the next was Tim leaning across the table, Zatara's jaw cupped in one hand whilst he apparently whispered something in his ear. The third and final one took up half a page, and was blurry in that paparazzi sort of way, but Cassie could clearly see Tim and Zatara, with Zatara pinned against Tim's bike by /Tim/, his hands on Tim's hips and his mouth either at Tim's neck or jaw.

"No," Cassie breathed out then fixed her gaze on Tim, "Of all the people you - you wouldn't- not him."

Tim smiled and patted Cassie on the arm then turned on his heel and walked out of the room. There was almost a minute of silence.

"That was probably the weirdest thing I have ever seen," Eddie commented.

The rest of the team could only nod.

character: eddie bloomberg, character: jaime reyes, fanfic, character: timothy drake, character: cassie sandsmark, character: rose wilson, character: m'gann m'orzz

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