Title: Bruises and Scars Characters: Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd Rating: Rish Warnings: Tim having a panic attack, angry kisses. Word Count: Author's Notes: More
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I swear to god it's like you guys think my LJ is an ice cream social or something. I open my inbox in the morning and there's, like, 50 new messages. I panic, wondering how LONG it's going to take to answer them all until I realize: no wait, it's just you and shana talking about Dick's butt for 50 comments.
Your LJ is the central gathering place of this corner of fandom, everyone just rocks up and Shana hands out lemonade and I've baked cookies and we settle in for a two hour chat.
This was fantastic, Justine. Thank you so much. <3
You're very welcome, I'll have to write you more Tim/Bernard.
You must.
(Also way to leave like, fifty million comments on my LJ. Now I know how you must feel when I talk a lot on yours)
But yeah. Take that. Consider it a small taste.
It shows we love you <3
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