Because tomorrow is the last of my exams for this round. And I decided that I wanted to now do all the memes I've missed out on over the last few months. I'm posting now so I'll have some replies by (my) tomorrow. Feel free pick any one or two or three or seventy (okay, there probably won't be that many) memes and participate. No promises that I'll
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Top 5 Things I Like About Timmy (in no particular order)
1. He's a geek! I have a thing for geeks, they're so adorable.
2. He's also an angst bucket, which I know I shouldn't like but I doooooo
3. He's got a great sense of humor, it doesn't show up all the time but when it does it's awesome.
4. He interacts so well with others! Especially Dick. This was one of the first things I noticed and loved about him
5. He's pretty? Although that's mostly personal opinion but in my mind he's super attractive.
Notes on Jaime's sexuality
1. The scarab helps. Jaime has learnt to appreciate it.
2. Booster explained how he and Ted were "not gay", Jaime understood perfectly, he's very often "not gay"
3. He's still a virgin, he's waiting for the right person and Traci is fine with waiting too.
Zachary Zatara
A) You made me want to write him! Seriously, and then I read some of him in Teen Titans and I loved his snark.
B) I think his best trait is his attitude, he totally won't tale shit from anyone and is able to stick up for himself.
C) He's going to get himself in epic trouble one day because he overestimates himself too much, he's kind of arrogant which I do find a bit annoying.
D) I find him pretty easy to write, especially when Timmy is being snarky back. Although sometimes I feel like I'm not funny enough to capture his wit perfectly.
E) Um, I'm really proud of Domesticity, the hat shopping scene I think captured both Zat's arrogance and his flirty-ness. I also liked the sex scene outtake sort of thing, it had angry!magic!Zat and I was quite happy with it.
F) You mean aside from answering every comment_fic prompt with him in it? I have a sort of fix-it fic for a Teen Titans scene that I have half written, and he may show up in Home.
M'gann M'orzz
1. She puts on the innocent act mostly these days, she's a lot cleverer than people give her credit for. She does the sweet act because she thinks there's too much sadness in her team.
2. Her and J'onn didn't get along very well. She went to him looking for a replacement father and he didn't have the time for her. She still cried for a week when he died.
3. She reads people's minds more than she admits, she tends to subconsciously reach out for people, espcially when they're upset, because her mind is lonely without more telepaths around.
Mayyybbeee. Did you read my "PLANS" post, I realised that I need a plot for Home, and I want to sort that out before I start writing more. Sorry! Maybe if you bug me I'll write more XD
OKAY DONE THAT BIT. I'll get back to you on the fic ones.
Ahahaha, I love that Jaime is 'Not Gay'. I think I wrote that into a story somewhere, I don't remember where though. :D
Zat's snark is the best snark in comics. <333
M'gann totally reads people's minds all the time. Epeccially Tim's.
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